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WHAT'S INSIDE 3 Walk in the Past 4 QES Yard Sale 5 Carol's Closet OPEN HOUSE 6 Editorial 7 Letters to the Editor 8 Museum Updates 9 Paul Winer concert 10 Author's Fair 11 Restaurants 12 Around Town 13 The Salvation Army Happenings 14 Paul Winer Documentary 15 Art Show 16 Music in the Desert 18 Desert Flyers 18 Metal Detecting 23 Ticket A Cop 25 Ted's Truck Stop sale 31 Nancy's Kitchen 32 Herb Mama 33 Puzzles 34 Churches 36 Police Arrest Report 37Classifeds 37 Paul Winer's Cartoon ������ | J����� W���� • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 WEDNESDAY, February 21, 2018 VOL. 14 # 273 Now in our 14 t h YEAR! Alwa y s FREE! February 21 SEE GENERAL STORE PAGE 13 Quartzsite General Store owners set to retire By Joanne Winer The Quartzsite General Store has been one of the town's most well respected and unique part of the business community. It was fi rst built in 1967 by Mr. Trenholm, who then sold it to Wave Slocum. She ran it for several years and in 1972 she sold it to Don and Lois Moore, who have been owners of the store ever since--for over 46 years!! Don and Lois ran the store in the beginning with the help of four of their chil- dren--Tim, Kari, Leanne and Tom, ages 6 - 16. They had an old crank register, and their fi rst sale was a loaf of bread for 35 cents. The employees at that time were ������ | J����� W���� paid $1.00 per hour. They also had a 6 foot meat case, which led them to be known all around this area for their top quality meats and cold cuts. They added a deli counter later and are still known as the best place to buy meat that is freshly cut in this town. In later years, Don's daughter Sherri and her husband Rick Garlow worked in the store and ran it for several years until Don and Lois came back from their "fi rst" retirement! Over the years, Don and Lois have seen many changes in the town, and not all for the better. They have known many customers throughout the years, and have always been very supportive of our community of Quartzsite even though they lived all these years in Parker driving back and forth every day they worked. That's a lot of miles in 46 years!!! Don and Lois were surprised to receive a special certifi cate from State Representative Paul Gosar with a proclamation honoring their years of service to our town. Over the years, they managed to take several business related trips all around the world, and their love of travelling has resulted in many vaca- tions as well. Now Don and Lois have decided that they want to spend more time travelling and just not having to work anymore. They are both in their 80's and just want to spend time together doing things they didn't have time for with their busy schedule at the store. They will be closing the store for good on April 1, 2018 and it will be the end of another era in Quartzsite. It will make a lot of peo- ple very sad to see them close this great store that has been an icon in Quartzsite for 50 years since it was built, 46 of them under the ownership of Don and Lois Moore. Don and Lois would like to take this opportunity to thank all of their customers, and especially the local residents, who have been supportive of their store all these years. It will be very hard for them to leave, but they know that they have so many good memories to bring them joy. Thousands of custom- ers have walked through their doors being greeted with a smile by their loyal employees, some who have worked there for many years. The town will not be the same without this wonderful staff and store, and they will be greatly missed.