Up & Coming Weekly

February 20, 2018

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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10 UCW FEBRUARY 21-27, 2018 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM Community Amenities: 3 Pools • Game Room Gated Community • Business Center • 24 Hour Security • Fitness Center Branson Creek Commons www.bransoncreekcommons.com 301 Barcelona Drive, Fayetteville FREE Application FEE with this ad (910) 864-8500 Best Location in Fayetteville (near Westwood, the Mall & Restaurant Row) 1 Bedrooms starting @ $465 2 Bedrooms starting @ $510 Newly Renovated Units Available • Ceiling Fans • Central Air • Frost Free Refrigerators • Brand New Lighting Package • Extra Storage In Some Units Apartment Amenities: http://www.vickysbiscuitsandchicken.com 491-2681 128 Grove Street M-F : 6am-2:30pm Sat : 6am-2pm Sun : 7am-2pm "The name has changed but everything else is still the same." 2 Piece Chicken 2 Piece Chicken 2 Piece Chicken February February February Chicken Biscuit Chicken Biscuit Chicken Biscuit $2.79 $2.79 $2.79 JUN 16 JUN 27 U P C O M I N G E V E N T S 159 MAXWELL STREET, FAYET TEVILLE (910) 483-8133 | FAYBIZ.COM JUN 30 F E B 23 Annual Awards Banquet Sponsored by The Crown Complex Crown Complex Expo Center 1960 Coliseum Dr. 6:00 PM M A R 6 Small Business Networking Breakfast Sponsored by Up & Coming Weekly 159 Maxwell St. 8:30 AM M A R 15 Chairman's Coffee Club Ramada Plaza 1707 Owen Dr. 7:30 AM L E T T E R F R O M T H E C H A I R M A N G A I N I N G M O M E N T U M 2017 began with the search for a new President and CEO. In March, the Chamber of Commerce selected Christine Michaels from a field of 93 potential candidates to lead the organization into a prosperous future. She has not disappointed. After carefully evaluating current trends, Ms. Michaels elected to overhaul many aspects within the Chamber's operation inclusive of governmental initiative support when it is advantageous to business, signature events, committee structures, and overall policy and procedure. These efforts are all being executed with the best interest of our membership and local business community at heart. The most influential governmental decision of 2017 for the Greater Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce was taking a stand in support of the City of Fayetteville and PWC in their effort to ensure the Cape Fear River Basin has a guaranteed return of water to the Basin from upstream municipalities who use the water. Adequate water supply, that of which will allow our community and business community alike to grow and thrive for years to come, is essential and deserves our full and unwavering support. Changes to the Chamber structure have also yielded positive dividends. The reintegration of a membership services position has led to growth in new members and a retention rate more indicative of an organization heading in a positive direction. Combine this effort with the reimagining of signature events and the Greater Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce is not only on a path to servicing an increased business base, but we are on path to doing so in a fiscally responsible manner. Through membership at the Greater Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce, you have the ability to contribute to and influence the growth of our business climate. As we recognize members of our organization who have exemplified just that at our annual awards banquet, know that our vision of "Building a prosperous and resilient community through business leadership" is precisely what the Chamber, its Board of Directors, and its members are dedicated to uphold. Jim Grafstrom General Manager Spectra Venue Management Chairman Greater Fayetteville Chamber Board of Directors

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