or over 100 years, the Alpha-Omicron Chapter has been
at the heart of Greek life at Indiana University. From
our founding to the present, our proud history speaks
for itself through high academic achievement and leadership
within the university. With more than 2,000 initiates, the Alpha
Omicron Chapter has influenced the lives of numerous men,
cultivating lasting friendships in the process. Many of our best
college memories can be traced back to our Lambda Chi Alpha
While many of our alumni have gone on to successful and distin-
guished careers in business, engineering, technology, and count-
less other endeavors, the common bond of our brotherhood re-
mains, along with our shared principles and values. Most of us
can trace the roots of our success to one place: 1210 East ird St.
rough Lambda Chi Alpha we not only learned the importance
of friendship, knowledge, service, morality, and excellence, but we
acquired valuable assets, which include leadership skills, organi-
zational skills, social skills, teamwork, and character. Oentimes,
these traits have been integral to our personal success and helped
make us the men we are today.
Our chapter house at 1210 East ird is clearly the focus of un-
dergraduate life for Lambda Chi Alpha. It has been a home away
from home for hundreds of young men and a classroom where
our brothers have learned Seven Core Values of being a True
Brother of Lambda Chi Alpha. Recently we have invested nearly
$500,000 in the facility to ensure that we are providing a safe and
competitive facility for our members. However, if we wish for
Lambda Chi Alpha to continue its strong presence at IU, we need
to provide a space that can accommodate our 200+ man chapter.
Now is the appropriate time to expand and secure our future.
The Last 100 Years