Up & Coming Weekly

January 02, 2018

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

Issue link: http://www.epageflip.net/i/920918

Contents of this Issue


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JANUARY 3-9, 2018 UCW 5 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM The city's loose-leaf collection schedule is a joke by JEFF THOMPSON HITS AND MISSES MISS: Leaf season e Arbor Day Foundation has rec- ognized Fayetteville as a Tree City for 15 years. A lot of trees means a lot of leaves and pine needles. is year's loose-leaf collection schedule is a joke. All the leaves cannot possibly be collected by city crews with one sweep through each neigh- borhood. ere used to be two sweeps each fall. Because of the cutback in this basic service, leaves are left in the street. HIT: Transit Center Finally, the new, $12.6 million transit center is open. Facilities for Greyhound have not yet been constructed, but the city is providing the carrier temporary office space. e new, brightly lit termi- nal provides comfort and efficiency for riders and brings Fayetteville in line with other large North Carolina cities. MISS: Traffic enforcement Former Police Chief Harold Medlock promised a significant expansion of the department's traffic division. But then he retired. Let's hope Chief Gina Hawkins recognizes that the Fayetteville Police Department must make a significant increase is visible, aggressive efforts to stop red-light running and speeding. MISS: Trash recycling station e recycling center hasn't been in place on Fort Bragg Road near the recreation center for a few years now. Maybe it's time the city takes down the sign. HIT: New and improved streets e city of Fayetteville is to be commended for the resurfacing of major thoroughfares across the city. e state Department of Transportation is also doing its part, and Owen Drive should be among the next arteries to be improved. MISS: Yielding instead of stopping Most drivers do not stop for stop signs. ey usually check both ways and cruise on through intersections. e city should consider replac- ing most stop signs with yield signs, 'cause that's what we do. (910) 678-8400 • www.faytechcc.edu The SMART Choice for Education! Education Is A Great Way To Begin e New Year! Register Now for Spring Classes! Classes begin Januar y 16 th Registration locations: Tony Rand Student Center at Fayetteville campus Spring Lake campus Fort Bragg Training & Education Center

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