Up & Coming Weekly

December 26, 2017

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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DECEMBER 27, 2017 - JANUARY 2, 2018 UCW 19 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM EDUCATION TOMICA SOBERS, FTCC PC- SSP Dept. Chair. COMMENTS? Editor@upandcomingweekly. com. (910) 484-6200. FTCC's PC Support & Services program: Information technology by TOMICA SOBERS e information technology PC Support & Services pro- gram at Fayetteville Technical Community College intro- duces students to just about all areas of the information technology discipline. Students take courses in networking, programming and security, but the primary emphasis of the program is on hardware and software. Students learn how to break down and build PCs from scratch and how to build virtual machines, install oper- ating systems and troubleshoot for repairing PC hardware and software issues. Degrees in information technology can open the door to numerous job opportunities and job fields, especially since North Carolina is home to the Re- search Triangle Park, which represents 200 different companies. FTCC's curriculum prepares students for employment as troubleshooters responsible for solving problems and providing technical support and as advisors to customers and users in just about any sector – hospitals, educational institutions, retail areas and government and state organizations. Industry certifications are key components for individuals graduating from college and entering the job market. Employ- ers seek candidates who can pass certifica- tion examinations to demonstrate a certain level of knowledge and skills. In the PC Support & Services program, students prepare for a number of these exams. FTCC's educators work to ensure students are equipped to not only gain employment beyond graduation but also to be successful and retain employment. Education and training in information technol- ogy are also great assets for an individual's already established career. FTCC is not limited to on individuals seeking an associate degree. For those seeking additional career training, the school of- fers certificate programs that require less time to complete and are highly focused on one particular area of interest. Under the PC Support & Services umbrella, there is a hardware and software certifi- cate, which prepares students specifically for the well-known CompTIA A+ certification. FTCC also offers specialized certificates in programming, networking and cybersecurity. FTCC also assists high school students with excellent educational opportunities. ose same certificates are available to FTCC students who participate in High School Connections and Cumberland Polytechnic High. High School Con- nections provides a way for high school students to enroll at FTCC tuition-free to complete college- level courses. All individuals who possess a high school diploma or a GED may easily apply to FTCC using the home page (www.faytechcc.edu) and clicking on Apply Now. ere is no application fee, and admissions counselors are available to provide advice and assis- tance as needed. During the admissions process, stu- dents select areas of interest. PC Support & Services is one of the more than 250 excellent programs of study available at FTCC. Once the admissions process is completed, students register for classes and can begin their major courses during the first semester. To learn more about PC Support & Services or other computer-related programs of study at FTCC, call (910) 678-7368 or email at sobersto@faytechcc.edu. Start the new year right with spring classes, which begin January 16. Degrees in information technology can open the door to numerous job opportunities and job fields, espe- cially since North Carolina is home to the Research Triangle Park. Pa i d f o r b y C i n d y B l a c k we l l f o r C l e r k o f Co u r t Experienced. Qualified. Committed. the PEOPLE'S CLERK

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