Sigma Alpha Epsilon - University of Illinois

Fall 2017 Newsletter

Illinois Beta Chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon at the University of Illinois

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FALL 2017 the lion tattler Sigma Alpha Epsilon Illinois Beta Housing LLC 1856 Sheridan Rd. Evanston, IL 60201-3837 Address Service Requested SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON APPRECIATION AWARDS F ollowing the Phi Alpha Golf Outing dinner at Alexander's restaurant, ΣAE Appreciation Awards were presented by Deran Abernathy- Director of Alumni Engagement. The following awards were presented to alumni who have supported Illinois Beta through the donation of their time as chapter advisors/members of the Alumni Advisory Board and participation on the recent Alumni Commission: Michael Morthland '12 – Letter of Appreciation Jeff Price '78 – Order of the Lion Tom Jepsen '76 – Order of the Lion John Epifanio '82 – Order of the Lion Jeff Myers '77 – Order of the Lion Doug Fink '77 – Order of Minerva Greg Martin '76 – Order of Minerva We deeply appreciate their service and dedication to our organization and thank them for their contributions. We look forward to their continued involvement as active alumni. Brothers Gather to Celebrate Jack Hook '89 A whole mess of Illinois Beta brothers got together the weekend of August 5 to celebrate the 50th birthday of Jack Hook '89 and for merry mischief-making: a few beverages, a Saturday Cubs game, some post-game cheer, and lots of laughs. Jack has lived in the LA area since 1993 and makes it back to his home state much too infrequently. Big thanks to Phi Alpha Brother John Bartels '89 for manning the helm of this event through his organizing and hosting. F L Sigma Alpha Epsilon at Illinois Sigma Alpha Epsilon—Illinois Beta @sae_illinois saeillinois 8 Follow Us Online

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