Up & Coming Weekly

December 12, 2017

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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DECEMBER 13 - 19, 2017 UCW 15 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM Christmas in the park by DR. SHANESSA FENNER EVENTS DR. SHANESSA FENNER, Prin- cipal, WT Brown Elementary School. COMMENTS? Editor@upandcomin- gweekly.com. (910) 484-6200. The Fayetteville Cumberland Count y Parks and Recreation department presents Christ- mas in the Park ever y day from Thursday, Dec. 7–Thursday, Dec. 21 from 6-9 p.m. at Arnette Park. "Parks and Recreation started this event back in 2010 because we wanted to give the citizens of Fayetteville, Cumberland Count y and the surrounding areas a place to go lo- cally to view Christmas lights," said Erica Brady, Parks and Recreation special events coordinator. "We wanted it to be different from what so many other places offer, and here we invite you to come out with your fam- ily and park your vehicle to walk and view the beautiful lights." The venue features a half-mile paved walk- ing trail featuring different themes, a fire pit to roast marshmallows, a craft station, a first re- sponder area, the Christmas Express train and holiday movies on the outdoor movie screen. "Our train ride is a couple of tractors w ith some train cars behind it that you can pay $1 per person to ride," said Brady. "We also have Santa on-site each night and the chil- dren can v isit him at no cost; however, if you want a photo, we have the equipment to take it and the cost is $5." Brady added that they have marshmallow roasting. Personal sup- plies are not permitted, but they do have the marshmallow sticks and the marshmallows that can be purchased on-site for $1 per stick and $1 for a small pack of marshmallows. The vendors include Big T's, Raging Rooster and Reuben's Concessions. The main focus of Christmas in the Park is the center Christmas tree display. "It is something that you have never seen before and a sight to behold," said Brady. "We have two 60-foot trees, and inside of those trees is a 30-foot tree, and inside of that tree is a 16-foot tree – and then we have a singular 30-foot tree surrounded by additional 16-foot trees." Brady added there are 8-foot trees and some dancing arches that are all programmed to music. Every single strand of lights is programmed for every second of every song that you hear. Admission is $10 per family vehicle, $30 per commercial vehicle and $75 per motorcoach/bus. Arnette Park is located at 2165 Wilmington Highway. Personal cameras are not permitted. Service animals are allowed. This is a cash-only event. For more information, call (910) 433-1547. M A G A Z I N E b y , f o r & a b o u t Fayeeville Women

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