Beta Theta Pi - Purdue University

Fall 2017 Newsletter

Beta Mu Chapter of Beta Theta Pi at Purdue University

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BETA MU LINK B E T A T H E T A P I A T P U R D U E U N I V E R S I T Y • W W W . P U R D U E B E T A . C O M Fall 2017 W e are sincerely humbled by all the donors and the volunteers to the capital campaign. We've had a great campaign and raised over $4.1 million in pledges coming from 255 loyal and generous brothers and friends. All the work has been completed and this ends the formal public phase of the capital campaign. While the capital campaign is done, our work continues ensuring our Beta Mu Chapter is successful. We know that a Chapter House always requires some type of maintenance. Your pledges will help us plan for the future. We have started an annual dues campaign to ensure we're always in a good position for cash flow. Please use the enclosed envelope to submit your annual dues, and an additional gift if you choose. See page 4 for more information. At a time when the Greek system has been under fire, we think it is good for us to remember that our new Beta Mu is different. They have done very well holding each other accountable, lifting each other up to be more successful, and making their brotherhood strong. Additionally, they are very respectful of the facility that your generous dollars have built. Again, I wish to thank everyone for their gracious support, through dollars and time. In the event that you are ever in the West Lafayette area, I hope that you will stop by the Beta house. If you feel more comfortable, please contact me and I would be happy to set you up to receive a guided tour. Fraternally, Cary Wood '89 Campaign Chairman (248) 613-2888 Return to Dominance Campaign Sees Successful Conclusion Thank You to All Supporters of This Project! Left: Members of Beta Mu accepting the Knox Award at Convention this summer. Right: Bobby Steele '18 was crowned Purdue Homecoming king this fall. W e are proud to celebrate the return of the charter for Beta Mu as we start this new school year. Chartering has always been a goal for both the alumni and the undergraduates. However, the executive team was careful not to use the words "chartering year," and not to put our sole focus into that goal. We chose to lead this way because, although chartering is an incredible accomplishment, we don't plan to stop there. The house has been setting new goals and laying down a stronger foundation to allow Beta Mu to last as long as Purdue does. Winning the Knox Award was an incredibly proud moment for the Chapter. The Knox Award is the most prestigious award a Chapter can achieve in Beta Theta Pi, and we brought it home to Purdue for the first time. This is a testament to the hard work and drive for success that each and every brother has strived for. With the current Greek climate, members of the community need to come together and plan new systems based on safety and sustainability. Beta Mu has been a leader in those conversations with IFC and we take an active role in communicating well with the university. Of the 20 positions available for IFC, Betas hold five of them. With the 43 other fraternities registered on campus, it has become evident to everyone that we are here to make an impact at Purdue. Thank you for all of your support throughout this building era. We are excited to see what new accomplishments Beta Mu will achieve in the coming years with the success-driven undergraduates and the supportive community of alumni. Yours in _kai_, Cameron Murray '19 Chapter President BETA MU RECLAIMS CHARTER AND WINS KNOX AWARD

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