Up & Coming Weekly

November 14, 2017

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

Issue link: http://www.epageflip.net/i/900751

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NOVEMBER 15 - 21, 2017 UCW 23 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM MUSIC THE CROWN COMPLEX 1960 Coliseum Dr. (910) 438-4100 www.crowncomplexnc.com Nov. 25-26 The Heart of Christmas Show Dec. 2 Keith Sweat, Dru Hill and Doug-E-Fresh March 15 Celtic Woman: Homecoming Live FAYETTEVILLE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA 308 Green St. (910) 433-4690 www.fayettevillesymphony.org/ Dec. 2 A Carolina Holiday Jan. 11 The French Connection Jan. 25 Music of the New World THE TAPHOUSE AT HUSKE 411 Hay St. • (910) 426-5650 Nov. 17 Rhonda & Maliheh Nov. 24 Michael Dermott Note to Steph - Taphouse is going to send me more dates PADDY'S IRISH PUB 2606 Raeford Rd (910) 568-5654 www.paddysirishpub.com Nov. 16 Lovebutter Nov. 17 Lotus Sun Nov. 18 Two Bald Guys: Dueling Pianos NOV. 18 • STEELE ANGELS 14TH ANNUAL TOY RUN Starts at Legends (4624 Bragg Blvd. #1) at noon, leaves for Dog House Bar & Grill (3049 Owen Dr.) at 2 p.m. Cash donation or unwrapped toy for entry. Call (910) 818-0458 for more information. NOV. 18 •BULL CITY HARLEY OWNERS GROUP SALVATION ARMY TOY RUN at Raging Bull Harley- Davidson, 300 Muldee St., Durham. Registration starts at 10 a.m. Bring $10 and a toy to ride. Visit www.durhamnchog.org/ calendar.html for more information. NOV. 18 •11TH ANNUAL TURKEY RUN IN MEMORY OF RON KELLY Group rides begin at three Harley-Davidson dealerships: Carolina Coast H-D, Wilmington; New River H-D, Jacksonville; Beach House H-D, Shallotte. Kickstands up from Carolina Coast at 9:30 a.m., from New River at 9:45 a.m. and from Beach House at 9 a.m. Rides all end around noon at Mad Boar, 111 River Villace Pl., in Wallace, N.C. Please bring a non-perishable food donation. Visit www.newriverhd.com/whats-going-on--xlistevents for more information. DEC. 2 • TOYS FOR TOTS RIDE at Ray Price Harley-Davidson, 1126 S. Saunders St. Registration at 9 a.m. Kickstands up at 11:30 a.m. Bring a new, unwrapped toy. Benefits Marine Corps Reserve's Toys for Tots. Find out more at www.rayprice.com or by calling (919) 832-2261. DEC. 9 • 20TH ANNUAL BRENNER CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL TOY RUN at Harley-Davidson of Greensboro, 538 Farragut St. Bring one new toy or a monetary donation. In honors of the 20th anniversary for this event, Harley-Davidson of Greensboro will kick off the toy drive with a fall festival. Food, music, games and more. Everything starts at 11 a.m. and festivities will run through 4 p.m. Visit http:// www.hdofgreensboro.com/whats-going-on--xlistevents for more information. DEC. 14 • CYCLE GEAR BIKE NIGHT – FAYETTEVILLE at Cycle Gear, 544 N. McPherson Church Rd., from 5-8 p.m. Come out and enjoy great food, refreshments, vendors, and raffles. Visit blog.cyclegear.com/events for more information. 4624 BRAGG BLVD. Seating at 3 p.m. Side Dishes Welcomed Seating at 3 p.m. Side Dishes Welcomed 11.23.17 ALL INVITED

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