Lambda Chi Alpha - University of Oklahoma

Fall 2017 Newsletter

Gamma-Rho Zeta of Lambda Chi Alpha at the University of Oklahoma

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GA MMA GA MMA Rhover Generous Brothers — pG. 2 true Brotherhood — pG. 2 settinG the standard — pG. 3 Welcome, Fall associates— pG. 4 sU N I V E R S I T Y O F O K L A H O M As A L A M B D A C H I A L P H A A L U M N I P U B L I C A T I O N Fall 2017 notice oF annual meetinG T he annual meeting for members of the S.P. Holding Company and the Gamma-Rho Alumni Association, non- profit Oklahoma corporations, will be Sunday, November 26, at 3:30 p.m. at the Chapter House (904 College, Norman, Oklahoma). The meeting will be convened for the fol- lowing purposes: • To elect officers and directors to serve for the ensuing year until the next annual meeting of members. • To act upon other matters as may properly be heard before the meeting. This meeting is being held as specified in Section IV of the bylaws of the corpora- tion. By order of the Board of Directors, Bob Canfield, ΓΡ 876 Secretary, S.P. Holding Company T he Sigma Phi Housing Corporation, Gamma-Rho Alumni Association, and the capital campaign committee are grateful to all of our alumni and friends who pledged and donated to the Continuing Our Tradition of Excellence capital campaign. We had previously honored individual donors whose donation qualified them for room nam- ing rights in the Chapter House. Now that our five-year campaign is almost complete, the alumni association would like to honor our donors that did not reach the individual room naming level. Through their generous and substantial donations we believe these donors also qualify for special recognition. A donor appreciation ceremony will be held Saturday, November 25, during OU's Dad's Day. There will be a tailgate party and a brief awards ceremony. The donor plaque, honoring major campaign donors, will be mounted in the entryway of the Chapter House. We hope all alumni can attend, whether attending the game or not. Yours in Z.A.X., Bob Canfield, ΓΡ 876 Sigma Phi President Gamma-Rho Zeta to Honor Capital Campaign Donors on Dad's Day THANKS TO ALL WHO GIVE Join Gamma-Rho Zeta Saturday, Nov. 25 for a donor appreciation ceremony! The donor plaque design to be unveiled at the donor appreciation ceremony.

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