Up & Coming Weekly

October 24, 2017

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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8 UCW OCTOBER 25 - 31, 2017 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM This is a first for me. I've never run for office. To be honest, I never even thought about running – until earlier this year, when some close friends and family members encouraged me to launch a campaign for city council. I blew them off at first. I'm not a politician, and I've never had much regard for the folks who will say whatever it takes to get elected and then ignore their constituents once they get into office. But I also grew up here in Fayetteville, built my busi- ness here, and hope to be here for the rest of my life. I love this city. I love its potential. And I know we ultimately won't reach that potential if we keep electing the same people and hoping for a better result. I also know our local government could use a little more real-world experience. In business, you have to work with people to get things done. You have to find common ground. That doesn't mean you compromise your core principles, but it does mean you have to listen and find creative ways to solve problems. I think we could use a little more of that experi- ence at every level of government, but maybe especially the level closest to the people. After countless hours praying and thinking about this, I would like to be your District 5 Cit y Councilman. And here's what I can promise you, if elected: • Responsiveness. I'll listen to you and your concerns, and I'll do whatev- er I can to help resolve any problems you have with the city's bureaucracy. • Honesty. I'll tell you the truth, even if it's not what you want to hear. • Common Sense. I'll do everything I can to make decisions that make sense for our district. I hope I can earn your vote in the upcoming election. In the meantime, if I can ever answer any questions about me or my campaign, please don't hesitate to reach out. Why I am running for city council by HENRY TYSON CANDIDATES SPEAK TO THE EDITOR Kathy Jensen has many titles and roles in our city. You might know her as Councilwoman, business owner, ECU alumni, huge Pine Forest High School fan, others fondly know her as friend, sister, wife, or mom. I have so much respect for Kathy Jensen in her many roles and leader- ship in our city. Her passion spans beyond the North Side of Fayetteville where she has represented her District so well. Additionally, she has been the only woman to repre- sent us for the past four years on the City Council. Through starting the Fayetteville Youth Council, she has empowered young students across our city to get involved making a difference and additionally they get exposure to the inner workings of Fayetteville through attending City Council meetings. Kathy has practical experience collaborating, providing input and solutions for city ordinances, a vot- ing record that speaks for itself on infrastructure and economic de- velopment. The decisions made on City Council require a higher level of thinking problem dedicated and invested in our community. She has served our city well and her trajectory moving our city forward is evident as you continues forward in her role as a member of our City Council. Thank you, Kelly Twedell Reader supports local candidate Kathy Jensen W W W . R O G U E M E R I C A N A P P A R E L . C O M • ( 9 1 0 ) 4 9 1 - 3 9 0 0 SPECIAL OFFER - 15% OFF - ENTER CODE: BRAGG VISIT OUR STORE 6460 YADKIN RD., SUITE A FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28303

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