Up & Coming Weekly

October 17, 2017

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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8 UCW OCTOBER 18 - 24, 2017 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM My roots run deep here in the eighth district and in North Caro- lina's agriculture community. I can trace my family back seven genera- tions, from humble beginnings as tobacco, hog and row crop farmers down east. It's one reason why I was so thrilled to spend some time last week with farmers and agriculture leaders at the Moore County Farm Bureau's annual meeting. Like I told them, Washington could learn a lot from North Carolina's farm- ers. They know what it's like to wake up early, roll up your sleeves and get to work. Work from sun-up to sun-down that lets you fall asleep at night know- ing you did your part to provide for your family, honor our God, and make our community a better place. Our farmers work tirelessly to provide for their families and to provide food and fiber – not just for our nation but for the world. For that, we are grateful. As your congressman, I will con- tinue to work to make sure they have the tools – and freedom – they need to keep their farms thriving and to im- prove our communities. One way I'm working to do that is through com- prehensive, pro-growth tax reform. Last week, we made good prog- ress. I was proud to support H. Con. Res. 71, a budget resolution that sets spending limits for our government and puts us back on the path to fiscal responsibility. In the budget, we are taking a close look at the programs that matter most and funding them in a responsible manner. This budget calls for preserving Social Security and Medicare for current and future generations, will reduce deficit spending by $6.5 trillion, and will balance in ten years. It also includes the largest mandatory spending re- form in 20 years and paves the way for a smaller, more limited government. This budget is a critical first step, not only in addressing our nation's dire fiscal situation but also in creating an avenue for us to pass tax reform. Now, the Senate must pass a budget so we can unlock a power- ful tool known as reconciliation that will allow us to pass tax reform with a simple majority in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. At the Farm Bureau meeting, we discussed the impact that tax reform would have. One key provision in- cluded in our framework is my bill to eliminate the Death Tax. I have been a longtime advocate for eliminating the Death Tax, which can take up to 40 percent of a family business's assets if the owner passes away. As a champion of this cause, I believe we must end the double taxation that threatens the existence of family farms, small businesses and jobs. At the end of the day, tax reform will have a meaningful impact all across our district – not just for our farmers. Because our tax code isn't working for anyone. For working fami- lies, the system is far too complicated, requiring legal experts to help us navi- gate it. And taxes are too high and take too much of our hard-earned money. For businesses, rates are so high that the small businesses we love and that make our communities so special can barely afford to operate. The bottom line is tax reform means higher wages, more jobs and more money in your pocket. I'll continue to work because I care about you and your family. Local farmers and tax reform by CONGRESSMAN RICHARD HUDSON CONGRESSMAN RICHARD HUDSON, R-N.C. COM- MENTS? Editor@upandcomin- gweekly.com. (910) 484-6200. OPINION Community Amenities: 3 Pools • Game Room Gated Community • Business Center 24 Hour Security • Fitness Center Apartment Amenities: Newly Renovated Units Available • Ceiling Fans • Central Air • Frost Free Refrigerators • Brand New Lighting Package • Extra Storage In Some Units Branson Creek Commons www.bransoncreekcommons.com Our current special is "Up to $60 off monthly" 301 Barcelona Drive, Fayetteville (910) 864-8500 Best Location in Fayetteville (near Westwood, the Mall & Restaurant Row) 1 Bedroom Apartments - 2 Bedroom Townhomes

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