Desert Messenger

September 6, 2017

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����� | E��� K�������� - W7AZQ 2 September 6, 2017 Labor Day fun at the Park included a softball game between Quartzsite Fire & Rescue vs Town staff, which raised $100 for Toys for Tots! VFW had hot dogs, hamburgers, Operation Comfort beverages, QES Girls Volleyball Team Bake Sale, Rock Painting, & VFW provided the bounce house and water slide. Great American Total Solar Eclipse, Aug. 21, 2017 We want to thank all who participated in the LIVE, INTERACTIVE, EDUCATIONAL BROADCAST of the GREAT AMERICAN TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE event on August 21, 2017. Elementary school students in La Paz and eastern Riverside County along with our special guest astronomer Nidhi Patel, volunteers and radio hosts, came together to share what they were learning about the Solar Eclipse, ask questions and to witness this special event. The Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017 was a total eclipse visible within a band across the entire contiguous United States, pass- ing from the Pacifi c to the Atlantic coasts. As a partial solar eclipse, it was visible on land from Nunavut in northern Canada to as far south as northern South America, truly memorable for all that saw it. We want to thank everyone for supporting youth education, helping to make this day memorable for all those that participated and for your support our youth and the My La Paz mission to promote health, educa- tion, community and our goal to "Leave No Child Without Hope For The Future." Heather Caton, Quartzsite The Great Quartzsite Softball Game ������ | S������ RAIN G�����-B��� ������ | S������ RAIN G�����-B��� Final score: Town 25 - Fire & Rescue 4 Bragging rights aside, it was a fun afternoon!

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