Up & Coming Weekly

July 25, 2017

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

Issue link: http://www.epageflip.net/i/853402

Contents of this Issue


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Cool Outlet for possible set designs - 2345 Eagle Rd. Talk to the 3 producers about the lead actress!!! Tell Freddie that he needs to yell his lines when the actor comes in offstage Need to order all costumes by the 23rd Buy new stage lights to light up the fight scene LIGHTING!!! New Prop Shop on 3rd must check out.... Don't for get to rearrange the set once ACT III starts F&B PUBLICATIONS FREE Costume Design Add dirt and blood here Make it tattered here Make sure to get the replica weapons by Friday to complete this look!! Make sure to order the helmets in BLUE!!!! Set Design: 1920s Chicago Ma Rainey arrives with entourage in tow. Make sure lighting is Correct and background is set for scene 2!! Buy a ream of purple fabric for Scene 3 Act II NEED SHRUBBERY Casiing Call at 3pm Announces their New Artistic Director, Mary Kate Burke Register of Deed's Office Hosts Backpack Drive Karl Merritt: Why I Oppose the Brunch Bill Murchison Road Farmer's Market Farm Fresh Produce & Much Much More a t B o r d e a u x Premiers July 27 July 26 -August 1, 2017 VOLUME 22 ISSUE 30 Cumberland County's Community Newspaper

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