Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.
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JULY 5-11, 2017 UCW 31 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM WEEKLY HOROSCOPE Question: What do you believe are "Dynasty"'s real chances at succeeding after the catastrophic "Melrose Place" revamp? e CW has not had a good track record with soaps. — David For me, the real comparison here is not to e CW's failed reboots of latter-day Spelling shows but to TNT's wan remake of "Dallas," which couldn't survive the death of its J.R., the great Larry Hagman. e original "Dynasty" was the Texas block- buster's glittery '80s counterpart, a wallow in conspicuous Reagan-era consumption and brawling bitchery, and reviving it car- ries significant risks, both in terms of not being able to live up to the original and in terms of being the wrong show at the wrong time. How much allure and appeal will the Carringtons even have in a polar- izing Age of Trump? e pilot episode is trashy enough, and the newly multi-cul- tural casting — Crystal (the new Krystle) is Latina, for a start — is intriguing, and as in the original first season, there's no sight of Alexis yet. (e timing of her arrival and casting will be critical to the show's long- term success.) I agree it's troubling that e CW wasn't even able to reignite the pop- culture lightning of "90210" and "Melrose" in those revivals. Resurrecting this relic may be even more problematic. And I still can't wrap my head around Grant Show as the new, younger incarna- tion of Blake Carrington. by Damian Holbrook Cheers to A Genius idea. Guaranteeing that Season 2 won't be a blue period for their stellar scripted bio-series, Nat Geo will be following up their brilliant dissec- tion of Albert Einstein — and an Emmy- worthy showcase for star Geoffrey Rush —with a portrait of Pablo Picasso. Jeers to BBC America for the "Luther" delay. It's been nearly 18 months since the last season of Idris Elba's awesome crime thriller, and now it's gonna take almost as long for the next round to hit the air. at is way too long to wait for our Idris fix, folks. Jeers to Ramona Singer for wearing out her welcome. Years after her crazy stopped being funny, the Pinot-soaked "Real Housewives of New York City" pot-stirrer lit into Bethenny with an incoherent, nasty attack that was more toxic than anything these women have shot into their fore- heads. NEWS OF THE WEIRD by CHUCK SHEPPARD In rare cases, a a mother has given birth for the principal purpose of "harvesting" a baby's cells, ultimately to benefit another family member with a condition or illness that the cells would aid. However, Keri Young of Oklahoma gave birth in April for a different purpose. After learning while pregnant that her baby would not long survive after birth (because of anencephaly), she nonetheless carried it to term — just to harvest organs for unspecified people who might need them (though the grieving Keri and husband Royce admit that some might judge their motive harshly). [Houston Chronicle, 4-19- 2017] In some parts of traditional Japanese society, it remains not uncommon for someone to feel the need to "rent" "friends." For example, relatives at a funeral bear grief better if they realize the many "friends" the deceased had. Or, a working man or woman may rent a sweetheart just to help deflect parental pressure to marry. In northern China, in April, a man was arrested for renting "family" and "friends" to populate his side of the aisle at his wedding. Apparently, there were conflicts plaguing each family, and police were investigating, but the groom surely worsened the plan by not coaching the actors on his personal details, thus making interfamily small- talk especially awkward. [BBC News, 5-1-2017] Our Litigious Society David Waugaman, 57, fell off a barstool last year and needed surgery, and of course he is suing the tavern at Ziggy's Hotel in Youngwood, Pennsylvania, for continuing to serve him before he fell. Wrote Waugaman, "You're not supposed to feed people so much booze." Robert Bratton filed a lawsuit recently in Columbia, Missouri, against the Hershey chocolate company because there was too much empty space in his grocery-store box of Reese's Pieces, which he thought was "deceptive" (even though the correct number of Pieces was printed on the label). In May, federal judge Nanette Laughrey ruled that Bratton's case could continue for the jury to decide. [PennLive, 5-15-2017] [KCUR Radio (Kansas City), 5-17-2017] Copyright 2017 Chuck Sheppard ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, you might be ready to take the next step on a project at work, but others aren't in line just yet. Give them time to catch up to speed, encouraging them along the way. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 You are not one to take "no" for an answer when you have made up your mind, Taurus. If that occurs this week, continue to stand your ground on an important issue. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Incomplete tasks will slow you down, Gemini. Before you take on any more projects, finish up ones that are thus far incomplete. Otherwise, you may find it difficult to focus. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, even if your goals are set you must let others know of your intentions and how you plan to spend your time. is way they will know the general time frame. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, your leadership skills are top notch generally, and this week you won't allow a little disorganization to throw you off your game. It's only temporary. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Conflicted emotions are sending out mixed signals to everyone who crosses your path, Virgo. As long as you don't let them get in the way of work, you should be fine. LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, close friends may be just the medicine you need right now. Clear your schedule and prioritize catching up with friends in the days ahead. You will be glad you did. SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, look to the future rather than spend time dwelling on the past. ere is much to be excited by with regard to the future, so start planning now. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, focus on your immediate surroundings and what needs to get done right away. Let future plans take a back seat for the moment. You will get to them soon enough. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, your notion of success today may be different tomorrow. So maintain an open mind in all situations. New experiences may sway your opinion. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 A new relationship is taking off, Aquarius. Allow things to unfold organically and make the most of opportunities to try new things outside of your comfort zone. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Pisces, others look to you for guidance and you do not disappooint. Make time for yourself and put some of your own advice to good use. Chuck Sheppard