Desert Messenger

June 14, 2017

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3 The Salvation Army happenings 4 Dump the Pump Day 6 Editorial 7 Letters to the Editor 9 Restaurants 9 Water Lease updates 10 Traveling with Gypsy Jane 15 Adventures with Rocks 16 Sherri's Turn 16 In Memoriam 17 Wedding Announcement 17 Assessor's Corner 18 Puzzles 19 Police Bulletin 20 Churches 22 Classifeds 22 Paul Winer's Cartoon • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 2017 VOL. 13 # 259 Now in our 13 t h YEAR! Alwa y s FREE! WHAT'S INSIDE SHARP team on duty 4th of July Fireworks and Fun in the Park planned Quartzsite, AZ - Quartzsite Parks & Recreation Board and Staff are planning the annual Indepen- dance Day Celebration. Family Fun & Fireworks is being planned for Tuesday July 4th, the at the Town Park Pavilion. Activities will start at 5:00 pm and include the water fun for the kids, rock painting, dunk tank, corn hole games, frozen T-shirt contest, food and drinks for purchase, free watermelon, games, & more! New this year: AZARA Youth Radio club will show off their program- mable BOTS, Quartzsite Chamber & Tourism will host Quartzsite Wacky Quacky Rubber Duck Race! You can "Adopt a Duck" $2 each or 3/$5 for a chance to win prizes. All community organizations are welcome to set up a tent or dis- plays sharing their information and events. The tall blow-up wa- ter slide has been retired due to safety concerns, however the slip- N-slide will be available for water fun. Quartzsite Fire Dept. will put on the Firework show shortly after 9:00 pm. Come on out for the big- gest community event of the year! By Eddie Lair W7AZQ A La Paz County SHARP (Sheriff's Amateur Radio Program) team was on duty at the 40th Annual Parker Tube Float. The mission of the team was to provide radio communication support as well as traffi c control at the event. The team worked with several law en- forcement agencies under the direction of Mary Hamilton, Director of Parker Chamber of Commerce. The team of eight Amateur Radio operators set up two mobile radio stations as well as individuals with HT's (Handie Talkies) to help with the task at hand. One operator was in the Incident Command Post to relay messages directly to and from law enforcement agencies to the two mobile base stations that were set up in pick-up trucks with several members on foot from each station. One team handled traffi c in information to the entrants at the Buckskin State Park entrance on Hwy 95 north of Parker, while the other team relayed info to and from the director, as well as controlled the number of vehicles allowed in for unloading of fl oats. The fl oats were a varied and interesting as were the people in atten- dance. The crowd had a lot of fun, but I believe the SHARP team had a great time as well. La Paz SHARP is a group of volunteers in the local Ham Radio com- munity who stand ready to assist the La Paz Co. Sheriff's Department in time of need - whether it be emergency, disaster or like the Parker Tube Float special event. Many thanks to our leader, Dave Ander- son, K1AN, and to all the Sharp Team Members who volunteer to stand-by, ready to assist our communities and government agencies. The team was well trained, ready for the job and they did it extreme- ly well. Hats off to Dave K1AN, Heather W8GEM, Joe KF7RNT, Joe KI7HHN, Lois KI7HHV, Vance KV8NCE and Dale KI7JTU. I, Eddy Lair W7AZQ was proud to be a part of the team.

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