Up & Coming Weekly

June 13, 2017

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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JUNE 14-20, 2017 UCW 9 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM Fayetteville is being considered by a well-known direct-to-consumer distribution firm as the loca- tion for a large distribution center to handle internet orders. e un-named e-commerce center would hire hundreds of full-time and permanent part- time workers. "ey would also need hundreds of additional full- and part-time seasonal work- ers each year," said Robert Van Geons, CEO of the Fayetteville/Cumberland Economic Development Corporation. e building would be fully air-conditioned and use modern material handling technology. A variety of shifts and work schedules would be offered, pro- viding employees with a flexible work environment. "We are asking that everyone who might be interest- ed in employment with this company complete an online survey," Van Geons said. e survey is avail- able at www.fayettevilleworks.com. e company will pay competitive wages if Fayetteville is selected. Racial Gerrymandering Struck Down Years of court battles resulting from Republican redistricting of the state legislature in 2011 came to an end this month when e U.S. Supreme Court upheld a lower court finding that 28 of North Caro- lina's statehouse and Senate districts were illegally gerrymandered based on the race of their voters. In August 2016, a panel of three federal judges found the districts in question were unconstitutional racial gerrymanders. State lawmakers appealed the decision in late 2016. While upholding the lower court's ruling, the Supreme Court was critical of the way it came to its decision to require new district maps and special elections. e high court said it's up to the lower court to decide on new elections. Cumberland County Sen- ate District 19, held by Republican Wesley Meredith, will likely be changed. Cumberland County House Districts 42 and 43, held by Democrats, will likely be changed. House districts represented by Elmer Floyd and Marvin Lucas will be redrawn, and will likely affect District 41, held by Democrat Billy Richardson, and District 45, held by Republican John Szoka. Fayetteville Fire Department Promo- tions Fayetteville Fire Chief Ben Major has filled two command staff vacancies created by the recent retirement of Assistant Fire Chiefs Richard Bradshaw and Nixon Spell. Moisbiell Alvarez has been promoted to As- sistant Chief of Logistics and Strategic Planning. Ronnie Willet is Assis- tant Chief of Training and Professional Development. Alvarez is a native of San Juan, Puerto Rico, and joined the Fayetteville Fire Depart- ment in 1995 following a career in the U.S. Coast Guard. He is an alumnus of Western Carolina University where he received a bachelor's degree in Disaster and Emergency Management. Alvarez is studying to complete his Masters' Degree. Chief Willet is a 19-year veteran of the Fayetteville Fire Department. He holds an As- sociate Degree from Fayetteville Technical Commu- nity College and a Bachelor of Science Degree from Fayetteville State University. Willet earned an MBA in Public Administration from American Military University. He has been active in nearly every phase of fire service administration. Tyson Announces Candidacy for Fayetteville City Council District 5 Open Seat Henry C. Tyson, a local businessman and Fayetteville na- tive, announced his candidacy to seek the open District 5 Seat on Fayetteville City Council Wednesday. Tyson will appear on ballots for the prima- ry election, scheduled for October 10, with municipal general elections scheduled for November 7. "Fayetteville is the city that has given me and my family immense opportunity, and it is a place with un- limited potential that is rapidly growing," Tyson said. "After careful thought, prayer and discussion with family and friends, I've decided I want to play a bigger role in addressing the challenges Fayetteville faces, and securing a better future for our city." "I want to thank our current Fayetteville City Coun- cilman for District 5, Mr. Bobby Hurst for his service to the community and the citizens of Fayetteville." Tyson, a lifelong Fayetteville resident, graduated from Campbell University in 2006 with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Government. He was named in July, 2016 by Mayor Nat Robert- son and the Fayetteville City Council to serve on the city's joint sign ordinance review task force, which successfully revised the city's sign ordinances for the first time in 19 years. He is also a member of the Fayetteville Kiwanis Club and the city's Historic Re- sources Commission, which helps guide the architec- tural character of Historic Downtown Fayetteville. Tyson currently serves as a commercial real estate broker and co-owner of Tyson Commercial Properties in downtown Fayetteville. More Storm Relief for Local Homeowners Local government and two nonprofit agencies have been awarded state community development grants to assist homeowners in their recovery from Hurricane Matthew. Cumberland County and City of Fayetteville Community Development Departments each received $150,000 from the North Carolina Housing Finance Agency. Also receiving $150,000 each were Fayetteville Area Habitat for Humanity and the N.C. Conference, United Methodist Church. Rep. John Szoka (R-Cumberland) presented the checks. e money will help with the rehabilita- tion of owner-occupied homes. In December, the General Assembly appropriated $20 million to the Housing Trust Fund as part of the Disaster Recovery Act of 2016. Homeowners receive the assistance as interest-free, forgivable loans up to a maximum of $40,000, depending on the scope of work necessary. Public Health Award Winner Cumberland County Health Department educator Phyllis McLy- more received the 2017 Caressa White Edu- cation and Program Development Award at the annual Red Ribbon Community Service Awards ceremony in Durham. e Caressa White award recognizes in- dividuals who educate the community on HIV/AIDS awareness. e Red Ribbon Community Service Awards recog- nize work by people committed to helping those in the HIV/AIDS community in North Carolina. McLymore plans, organizes, implements and evaluates education programs for the prevention of HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infections in Cumberland County. She has served as chairperson of the Cumberland County HIV Task Force Executive Board and has been recognized for her efforts to serve high-risk populations including the homeless. Hundreds of New Jobs Possible Locally a STAFF REPORT NEWS DIGEST Moisbiell Alvarez Ronnie Willet Phyllis McLymore Henry C. Tyson

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