Up & Coming Weekly

June 13, 2017

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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6 UCW JUNE 14-20, 2017 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM While doing research for a recent column titled "Racial Diversity in the Fayetteville Fire Department: e Rest of the Story," I gained a far more detailed understanding of the Cumberland County Schools Fire Academy. What follows is some of that detailed understanding, coupled with my profound respect and appreciation for this effort. e Academy is conducted at E.E. Smith High School but is open to students from high schools throughout the county. A line from the Academy Handbook's welcome letter states the program vi- sion with clarity: "e goal is to help our students in preparing for post-secondary education which will lead to a career in the Fire Service and produce competitive employees for the 21st-century global job market." Under "Mission," in part, the handbook states: "e curriculum in this course of study introduces students to varied careers in the Fire Service, assists students in identifying their interests and aptitudes, and provides them with the knowledge and skills necessary for post-secondary education leading to jobs in these careers." Starting in ninth grade, students spend a half-day, five days a week, engaged in course work, field trips and hands-on training that very substantially move them toward satisfying requirements for a career in firefighting. ose students who complete the first three years of the four-year program are eligible to study in a Fire Science program at Fayetteville Tech- nical Community College during their senior year of high school and earn college credits along with ad- ditional necessary certifications required for employ- ment in firefighting. is path can lead to an associate degree from FTCC, followed by a baccalaureate degree through Fayetteville State University. All of this is made possible through a unique partnership between FTCC, FSU, Western Carolina University, e City of Fayetteville Fire Department, Cumberland County Fire Department, Fort Bragg and E.E. Smith High School. Patricia Strahan, Director of the Cumberland County Schools Fire Academy, is a veteran of over 30 years in the Fire Service. When talking about the academy, she explained the academics and related requirements but moved with passion to another point of emphasis. She talked about leading students to see the importance of helping others and then knowing the satisfaction, the joy, which comes with helping others. is is an endeavor that addresses the whole person. e "whole person" approach is reflected in having a dress code, requiring parental involvement and employing rules that are stated and enforced. Students in 10th through 12th grades are required to complete a minimum of 50 community service hours per year. ere is an Advisory Board made up of educators, representatives of partner organizations, fire service professionals, Academy participants and a parent. ose are some of the key details of the Academy. I find it to be a program of immense worth that pro- vides a tremendous opportunity for students to enter and excel in a profession (firefighting) that is critical to our society. Yes, I was encouraged by the details. But I was even more encouraged and hopeful after spending time with several of the students in this program. Following is some of what I experienced that prompted this encouragement and hopefulness regarding young people and the future of our country. My first interaction with students from the acad- emy came when I went to the Fayetteville Fire Department's Fire Training Center on Radar Road. A group of students was learning how to exit a building through a window when fire conditions dictate such an escape. I watched as these young people received instruc- tions and, to a person, resolutely prepared to execute the maneuver that day … not at some point in the future. at same day, I talked with four young men about their reasons for being in the academy. ey were Ethan Bolger, Daiyvon Harvey, Elijah Beyer and Daniel Stedman. A friend of Ethan's who knew Ethan wanted to be a firefighter told him the academy would help him achieve that dream. Daiyvon always wanted to be a firefighter and was attracted by a desire to help oth- ers. Elijah will be a third-generation firefighter. Dan- iel said his father is a firefighter who loves what he does. Without Daniel feeling pressured, his father's love of his profession inspired Daniel. Like others in the program, commitment to and love of what they have chosen as a life work shine in these young men. Daiyvon closed our discussion by explaining that some students don't have good family situations, but those in the academy are like a won- derful family. He said, "We have one another's back." On another day, I visited the Academy space at E.E. Smith and talked with a larger group of students. I heard much of the same excitement, a sense of having found their place, a level of commitment and pure desire for achievement that is rare in our time. e conversation turned to the question of why there are so few women firefighters. Along with others, Celia Casiano and Yakira Sexton talked pas- sionately about the importance of a right attitude for taking on and succeeding at what is difficult in life. I was amazed by the civility and thoughtfulness dem- onstrated in that discussion. is is only an overview of what was, for me, a tre- mendously encouraging and hope-inspiring experi- ence. ese young people have great promise and, if they can navigate the destructive forces of our world, will help us find our way to being a far better nation and world. The Fire Academy: Another Reason for Hope by KARL MERRITT OPINION one year special $ 15 for UP & CoMING WEEKLY rEadErs oNLY you save 89% off Tv GuIDe MaGaZINe Get A GreAt DeAL from tV GuiDe mAGAzine start Your subscription online, By Mail or Call online: tvguidemagazine.com/newsoffer mail: complete order form below call: 1-800-365-1940 WHeN CaLLING use PRoMo: K6fNsWPZZ Every issue delivers inside scoop on your favorite shows Breaking news keeps you in the know Highlights help guide you to what's worth watching Your favorite stars take you behind the scenes 28 Pages of easy-to-use primetime listings GrEaT rEasoNs To sTarT YoUr sUBsCrIPTIoN KARL MERRITT, Columnist. COM- MENTS? Editor@upandcomingweekly.com. 910.484.6200 e Fire Academy is open to students from high schools throughout the county. e Fire Academy is an endeavor that ad- dresses the whole person.

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