Up & Coming Weekly

June 13, 2017

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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Page 19 of 32

JUNE 14-20, 2017 UCW 19 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM Fayetteville Technical Community College is an industry leader in awarding college credit for prior learning experiences including military training. With over 200 military career evaluations and 250+ programs of study, FTCC offers members of the U.S. Armed Forces and veterans the opportunity to pursue a higher education degree while utilizing the training they completed as part of their military career. FTCC recognizes the fact that service mem- bers train hard to achieve and maintain a standard of excellence and that their efforts deserve recog- nition in the civilian world. Awarding college credit for military training also serves our veterans as they make the transition from active duty to civilian life. FTCC places these students on the "fast track" to earning a degree and being prepared for a competi- tive work environment. Whether advancing within the military or transi- tioning to the civilian workforce, military students and veterans will find that FTCC is committed to their success. As the leader in Credit for Prior Learning, FTCC specializes in translating military training to college-level learning and credit. FTCC's most popular and most flexible degree is the Associate in General Education, which allows students to capitalize on credits earned through military training and transfer with ease to one of FTCC's partner institutions for an advanced degree. The Associate's in General Education degree consists of 64 total semester hours, 48 of which may be applied from other colleges and institutions as well as from military training. To earn an AGE degree at FTCC, students must take a minimum of 16 semester hours at our institution, either online or in person. Often, military students and veterans pursuing an AGE only need to complete the general education courses such as English, math and social science to complete the degree. FTCC awards credit for military training based on recommendations provided by the American Council on Education, a major coordinating body for the nation's colleges and universities. The insti- tution specializes in the assessment of nontradi- tional learning experiences. In cooperation with the U.S. military, a team of expert evaluators employed by the American Council on Education conducts extensive research regarding military training and recommends cred- it for specific college-level courses based on the results of their findings. The evaluators at FTCC then review these recommendations and equate the ACE's recommended courses to FTCC courses. The results of these coordinated efforts are encour- aging for military students and help to ensure suc- cess in their careers and beyond. On a case-by-case basis, FTCC evaluators also evaluate credits for additional training from mil- itary schools and other learning opportunities which may not have been evaluated by ACE. These credits must be approved by curriculum sub- ject-matter-experts. This practice ensures the integ- rity of FTCC programs and provides the reassur- ance that FTCC is serving students with the highest standards. Students who wish to have their military train- ing converted to college credit can submit the Joint Services Transcript to FTCC by logging in at https://jst.doded.mil and following the prompts for submitting an official transcript. Email johnsontr@ faytechcc.edu or call (910) 678-0166 for more infor- mation. Students can sign up now for fall clases. FTCC: Leading the Way for Service Members by TIFFANY JOHNSON TIFFANY JOHNSON, FTCC Admissions Evaluator. COMMENTS? Editor@upand- comingweekly.com. 910.484.6200 EDUCATION QUALITY FOOD YOU EXPECT, SERVICE YOU DESERVE FAYETTEVILLE'S FAVORITE NEIGHBORHOOD RESTAURANT JOIN THE FUN! B R E A K THE C H AI N H A BI T CELEBRATE DJ BINGO Every Thursday at 7:00PM ALL FRESH NATURAL INGREDIENTS OFF THE BONE SMOKED RIBS, TENDER BEEF BRISKET, PULLED PORK AND OUR SIGNATURE TOMATO PIE MONDAYS 4PM - 10PM | TUES - THURS 11AM - 10PM FRI - SAT 11AM - 12AM | SUNDAY NOON - 9PM WWW.BLACKSTONESMOKEHOUSE.COM 2801 RAEFORD RD • 910.491.7029 48 CRAFT BEERS • DAILY DRINK SPECIALS • ALL ABC PERMITS SPECIALIZING IN: (ACROSS FROM CHICK-FIL-A) LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED FTCC is committed to helping military students succeed.

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