Sigma Phi Epsilon - Purdue University

Spring 2017 Newsletter

Indiana Alpha Chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity at Purdue University

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board of directors call special meeting! Details inside. sigma phi epsilon-indiana alpha Purdue University P.O. Box 442100 Lawrence, KS 66044-2100 Address Service Requested From the Heart a publication for alumni of indiana alpha t sigma phi epsilon AlUMnI neWs Kenneth e. weidner '47 is 93 and has been retired for more than 30 years. He has four children: Scott, Carol, Douglas, and Keith; and lives in Albuquerque, N.M. raymond a. schakel '50 turned 88 in August, and still does yard work and hits golfballs, "but that's about all." He has one grandson, two granddaughters, and a great- grandson. Ray and his wife, Sally, live in Temple, Texas. charles r. deible '68 and his wife, Stephanie, sold their Victo- rian home in Lafayette and bought a ranch-style home in West Lafay- ette ("The stairs were killing us!"). Their beloved dog, Pollack, went to doggy heaven last August. Charles and Stephanie have six grandchil- dren; each daughter, Kristin and Lara, has two boys and a girl, the same as his parents' families. E- mail: august g. Voelkel '68 is fully retired as an interventional car- diologist at John Muir Health in Walnut Creek, Calif. He finished his 38-year career to help develop the cardiac program in the East Bay of San Francisco. Gene and his wife, Virginia, live in Walnut Creek and have three children. E-mail: James s. Keller '69 enjoys retire- ment in Carmel, Ind., after 44 years with Firestone. Both of his daugh- ters graduated from Purdue (Kappa Alpha Thetas) and are now work- ing. He hopes to hear from some pledge brothers and others! E-mail: michael l. downham '75 would like to thank all involved in the effort to save the chapter. He'd also like to give a special thanks to Brother Baker and his crew for their extensive renovation efforts. He and his wife, Lisa, live in Lo- gansport, Ind. Kevin e. morkel '75 and his brother, Keith '72, are being treated for leukemia at The Ohio State University Wexner Medi- cal Center and Solove Research Institute. "The good news is we're both in remission!" Kevin lives in Columbus, Ohio. E-mail: eric d. dodd '91 and his wife, Kay, live in Pleasant Prairie, Wis. Their daughter, Sarah, started her freshman year at the University of Wisconsin–Madison last fall. E-mail: philip J. pescarino '96 is an indus- try sales manager for Foss North America. He and his wife, Monica, live in Birmingham, Mich., with their two sons, Anthony and Domi- nic. E-mail: If you've recently married your dream girl, welcomed a baby, taken a new job, or just have something interesting to share, we want to share your good news with all of our alumni. Please drop us a line at sHAre YOUr neWs WITH Us news

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