Pi Kappa Alpha - Mississippi State University

Spring 2017 Newsletter

Gamma Theta Chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha at Mississippi State University

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Visit www.missstatepikes.kintera.org/donate to make an online gi. Erle E. "Bubby" Johnston III '72 In memory of fallen fraternity brothers Calvin T. Hull Jr. '76 In memory of Calvin Travis Hull, M.D. '52 Mark Murrell '76 W. Glenn Bell '78 J. Chris Harris '78 James H. Loon Jr. '79 John M. McCommon '79 David M. McCullen '82 In memory of Joe M. McCullen '54 Jonathan L. Clark '89 Bradley G. Rodgers '95 Stephen R. Folk '97 Richard C. Carter III '99 L. Rees Hodges '03 Campaign Status At-a-Glance Total Raised as of March 15, 2017: $1,199,140 Number of Contributors: 168 Goal: $1.5 Million A Valuable Contribution Campaign Co-Chairman Encourages Gis of All Sizes A er a discussion with Eddie Keith '67, it became clear to Turner Wingo '64 that their undergraduate years were bettered through the generosity of alumni. Living in the chapter house taught Turner how to get along with a diverse group of people and is a trait he used during basic training in the Army and life aer college. Reflecting on his own Pike experience, Turner was motivated to contribute to the campaign and serve as co-chairman of the A Legendary Past, Ensuring Our Future capital campaign with Eddie. "We had the best of everything through no effort of our own, but by the dedication and work of those who came before us," he said. "I knew it was my time to help carry some of the load." Turner considers himself fortunate that he was able to contribute a lead gi, but reminds alumni of a parable from the Bible about giving. In Mark 12:41-44, a crowd of people offered money to the temple treasury. Jesus watched the many rich people throw in large amounts and a poor widow give her few pennies. Although it was not much, the widow gave the greatest gi of all because she gave all that she had. "It is not the size of the gi, it is about the value of what we had at Gamma eta, what we still have, and for those yet to come," he said. Turner is a retired Tennessee businessman and was named Mississippi State's 2016 National Alumnus of the Year. He had a successful career as a longtime proprietor of Sherry's Hallmark and is a member of the MSU Foundation's board of directors. Along with his contributions to Gamma eta, Turner has also provided support for scholarships, an endowed professorship, campus facilities, and athletic programs. He lives in Starkville, Miss., and can be reached at tawingo@msn.com. W hen Eddie Keith '67 was an undergraduate, the Kathleen Craig Claiborne chapter house was unequaled by any other house in the South. Alumni who came before him provided brothers with a place they could call home, and for Eddie, serving as a co-chairman of the capital campaign was his way to thank those alumni and create a similar experience for current members. "Being able to do something to pay back the faith and generosity of those who came before me was appealing," he said. "I wanted young brothers of today and the future to have the same opportunities that we did and to experience living in a fraternity house they could take great pride in." For half a century, Gamma eta brothers have been among the most important people in his life. As co-chairman, Eddie has been able to stay in touch with brothers from his era, and meet and work with members of the chapter now. Eddie believes current members have the nicest chapter house on MSU's campus and that active brothers are creative and willing to work and embrace the changes needed to make Gamma eta an outstanding chapter. He reassures hesitant alumni that although the Chapter is different today than in the past, Gamma eta is still strong and worthy of an investment. "When we were undergraduates, alumni before us gave their time, money, and sweat to make something special for us to enjoy. Why would we not want to do the same for future generations of Gamma eta?" he asked. "I want other young men who come to Mississippi State to have the opportunity to build the lasting friendships that brothers from our era have enjoyed—and still are enjoying." Building a Future for Gamma eta Eddie Keith '67 Committed to Providing Undergraduates a Rewarding College Experience It is not the size of the gi, it is about the value of what we had at Gamma eta, what we still have, and for those yet to come. (Continued on page 4)

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