Desert Messenger is your local connection for news, events, and entertainment!
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6 Editorial 7 ID for Credit Card? 10 Restaurants 10 The Salvation Army updates 11 Phone Scam 13 Adventures with Rocks 15 Traveling with Gypsy Jane 16 Around Town 29 Golf 30 Music Jams 31 Arrest Report 32 Puzzles 35 HerbMama 34 Churches 36 Classifeds 36 Paul Winer Cartoon 39 Photos • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2017 VOL. 13 # 252 Now in our 13 t h YEAR! Alwa y s FREE! WHAT'S INSIDE DM ARCHIVE 2011 PHOTO | S������ RAIN G�����-B��� SEE PAGEANT PAGE 28 Historical Pageant celebrates Quartzsite 150 years Feb. 18 by Joanne Winer How do you get to be 150 years young?? When talking about Quartzsite we can honestly say that it came from a lot of blood, sweat and tears, mixed in with a lot of survival skills and stubborn- ness and lots of pride in our town. Quartzsite was offi cially founded in 1867, making it 150 years old in 2017--although there were set- tlers and miners here before that, this was the offi cial date of the ac- tual date on the town seal. This area is so rich in its his- tory--from the miners who came here looking for gold and other ores, to the settlers who came and built stores and houses and res- taurants and gas stations and all the other things that are needed to make a town. The miners had to buy their supplies somewhere, and entrepreneurs from all over came here to sell their goods to the men who worked the mines. Soon families came from back east to settle here, and the town kept growing, along with a lot of growing pains to be sure. The families who stayed here over the years still have descen- dents living here today. Some of the early mines are still able to be seen, and many of the old buildings in town are still stand- ing, although many were lost over the years to fl oods, fi res, and de- cay. It's a shame to see some of the early buildings in such disre- pair, but the spirit of those who stay and make it their home still is felt here to this day. This part of the desert is not for the weak of heart or mind--you either love it or want to leave it. Those of us who have lived here and have roots here now, love this town and the people in it, and we are hop- ing that you will come to love it as much as we do. To celebrate all the early pioneers and also to honor those who came here since the early days and have made Quartzsite what it is today, the Quartzsite Business Chamber of Commerce, in cooperation with the Tyson