Desert Messenger

February 01, 2017

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3 Museum updates 5 Planet Ranch opens 8 Author's Fair 10 Restaurants 12 Editorial 13 Adventures with Rocks 14 Traveling with Gypsy Jane 16 Around Town 17 Intaglios 23 Ernie Sites comes to town 35 Senior Moments 34 Music Jams 35 HerbMama 37 Arrest Report 38 Churches 43 Rainbow Acres Golf 45 Classifeds 45 Paul Winer Cartoon • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2017 VOL. 13 # 251 Now in our 13 t h YEAR! Alwa y s FREE! Rainbow Acres Golf Great turnout for Shows WHAT'S INSIDE ����� | S������ RAIN G�����-B��� Quartzsite Quilt Show Feb. 3 & 4 Excitement is in the air as the Quartzsite Quilters prepare for their annual Quilt Show, which will be held Friday Feb. 3 from 9-a and Saturday, Feb. 4 from 9-3. The Quilt show will be held at the Senior Center located at 40 Moon Mountain Ave. Tickets for the Raffl e Quilt will be available for purchase. The winner will be drawn on Satur- day, February 4. You need not be present to win. There will also be a boutique of handmade items, a vendor mall and door prizes. Of special interest this year is a display of quilts from Janet Nieu- wenhoff, who is nationally recog- nized for her outstanding work. Janet is the mother of fi ve and re- tired from law enforcement. She and her husband - her biggest supporter- are full time RVers which enables her to enter her quilts in shows from New Eng- land, where she won second place for her hand quilting; to Arizona where she received two awards for Excellence and numerous First Place awards from the Ari- zona Quilters Association. Her highest recognition though, was First Place in the Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame with her quilt "Free Spirit." Janet has won the Mem- bers Choice Awards in Idaho, Nebraska, and here in Quartzsite since becoming a member of the Guild. Aside from displaying her beautiful quilts, Janet tests quilt blocks for Quiltmakers 100 Desert Flyers Fun Fly The Quartzsite Desert Flyers radio controlled aircraft Fun Fly will be held on Friday February 10, 2017. It will be held at the James B. Col- well Field, 780 N. Plymouth Ave. in Quartzsite. The open- ing ceremonies are scheduled to commence at 9:00 am with the playing of the national anthem and a fl y-past salute to the Stars and Stripes. Ev- eryone is welcome; all that is needed is an interest in radio controlled fl ying. We are expecting fi ve or six professional and semi-pro fl yers from California, Idaho and British Columbia as well as local fl yers from our club and from clubs in Yuma, Lake Havasu City and Phoenix. Spectators are welcome to bring their own chairs or can take advantage of the specta- tor stands. Unfortunately, due to health regulations, we are unable to provide a lunch to the general public. Hope to see you there. Blocks Magazine. She has had one of the quilts she completed for them published and displayed in their corporate offi ce. We feel fortunate to have this dis- play available for you this year and would also like to thank Janet for always being willing to share her talents with us. Admission to the show is only $2. All proceeds go to local charities.

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