
COP22 #Decarbonize Blue Youth White Paper

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www.decarbonize.me e impacts of climate change and overfishing on the fishing industry is of global concern. Internationally, we see marine wildlife disappearing from areas where it was once both plentiful and exhibited an abundance of biological diversity. Surveyed nations such as Ghana, USA, Canada, Peru, Australia and Croatia were concerned by a lack of fish in their re- gions. Along similar concerns, fishery collapses due to the destruction of habitat by ocean acidification, such as along Australia's Great Barrier Reef, only amplify the urgent need to establish careful protections. We call on our re- spective governments to develop policies that both re- strict overfishing and create protected marine areas throughout the globe. Every day individuals all over the world waste gallons of drinkable water. Policies need to be imposed that further reinforce pre-existing legislation. New policies must be introduced on a global scale to address water conservation. For example, in agricultural industries, covering open irrigation channels can save water from evaporation, making it available for use in other farming practices. We call for respective governments to impose limits and restrictions on the use of water in households and agricultural industries. "is is not only a few degree rise in temperature, it's volatile weather, dry heat and unpredictable droughts, even within the rainy season." Lillian Osborne School - Edmonton, Canada

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