Iota Iota Chapter of Sigma Chi Fraternity at the University of Alabama
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2 016 has been a busy year for the Iota Iota House Corporation. We elected new officers; Brother Bill Stiers '86 was elected president and I was elected as vice president. We also welcomed a new housemother, Mrs. Rhea Nix, and got her settled into her "new house" at the beginning of the fall semester. She has been an outstanding addition to the chapter and has been warmly received by "her boys." On top of those changes, the Iota Iota Chapter was finally moved from our temporary assignment in the "South Alabama" province to our permanent assignment in the "North Alabama" province, as was the plan nearly five years ago when the Alabama province was split to accommodate the growth of new chapters into our order. With that reassignment, we began working with our new Grand Praetor, Michael Ciatto, who is based in Atlanta. This transition has gone remarkably well, and Brother Ciatto has been welcomed with warm regards by both undergraduate members as well as our loyal alumni. On top of all those changes, we held our inaugural Fall Career Week in Tuscaloosa, where many of our alumni met with undergraduates one on one to discuss career paths in the industries where they work, as well as connect the undergraduates to a vast Sigma Chi network. We will hold a Spring Career Week that will focus on resumes and interview skills. Also, the capital campaign has been in full swing to continue to raise needed funds to help support the fantastic new house we T he Iota Iota Chapter has experienced great success and growth over the past couple of semesters. We developed a Standard Man Program, which outlines benchmarks in seven areas of excellence each Iota Iota brother and pledge should strive to achieve. Our seven areas include scholarship, financial, chapter involvement, campus involvement, community service, ritual, and Greek relations. In addition, we expanded our committee system within Iota Iota so each brother can help contribute to the betterment of our chapter. Chapter Secures Competitive Academic Ranking The Iota Iota Chapter dominated in the classroom, securing a GPA of 3.22 for the spring 2016 semester. Our GPA placed us seventh among IFC fraternities, which is a vast improvement from our standing in years prior. Our scholarship chairmen are hard at work, providing study halls for both brothers and pledges three days a week. Philanthropic Efforts Yield More Than $25,000 in Donations We held Derby Days in spring 2016 and I am proud to report that our chapter donated $25,000 to Children's Hospital of Alabama, which will help them continue their specialized care for ill and injured children. Additionally, as a prize for Pi Beta Phi, the winning sorority, we donated $3,000 to the Pi Beta Phi Foundation as they continue their quest to improve literacy among children. Our chapter has partnered with several other philanthropic organizations, including Shades for Sage, UADM, Alabama Greek Missions, and Delta Gamma Anchor Splash. Undergraduates Recruit 54, Launch New Pledge Program Our chapter welcomed 54 fine young men this fall as they completed the newly established Preparation for Brotherhood pledge program. The program combines online learning with experiential activities to teach the pledges our values and history while smoothly integrating them into our chapter. Revamping Chapter Operations The chapter recently completed a Mission 365 program, in which we learned fundamental recruitment practices to allow us to continue to recruit the best and the brightest. We will also conduct a risk intervention program so we can review our risk management practices and learn the best steps for preventing and dealing with crises. We are excited to have a ritual peer SIGMA CHI FRATERNITY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA | EST. 1876 FALL 2016 Big Changes Bring New Excitement for Iota Iota Chapter Alumni Proud of Capital Campaign Success, Elite Standing at UA moved into nearly three years ago on University Blvd. I can tell you from personal experience, the Iota Iota House is one of the finest (if not THE finest) houses in all of Sigma Chi. What we have at Alabama is a facility that exceeds our grandest plans and offers our undergraduate brothers a fraternity experience unmatched across the Sigma Chi landscape in both the U.S. and Canada, and it arguably is not even the grandest house on campus! What is happening with the Greek housing system at Alabama is unparalleled across the Greek world. Obviously an asset this grand requires significant love and care. The members of the Iota Iota House Corporation are committed to ensuring that care. In hoc, Will Yeldell '86 Iota Iota House Corporation Vice President President Bill Stiers '85 Vice President Will Yeldell '86 Treasurer Johnny Frazier '80 Directors Ashton Hill '76 Shan Paden '80 House Corporation Board IOTA IOTA MEMBERS LEAD BY EXAMPLE Chapter Cultivates Success in Academics, Philanthropy, and Recruitment (Continued on back page)