Sigma Phi Epsilon - Oklahoma State University

Fall 2016 Newsletter

Oklahoma Alpha Chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity at Oklahoma State University

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How You Can Help Spread the word with your brothers that we are moving forward with the campaign and that we need everyone's help to complete this important project to better the future of our chapter. Encourage brothers who are missing from our donor list to jump on board to support Oklahoma Alpha's housing needs and future. If you have already pledged, please stay committed to your pledges. Our planning and financial models are built upon receiving all pledges. If possible, please consider stretching your pledge by 20% or adding on an additional year of payments. Feel free to reach out to me with questions. Thank you for your support, what you have given, and what you will give! Fraternally, Mike Reddout '85 Building Committee Chairman (580) 380-6565 B rothers, I want each of you to know that the campaign is alive and well, and that we are progressing quickly toward the development of shovel-ready plans for the new chapter house. The site survey and initial site plans were completed by Keystone Engineering. Requests for Proposals (RFPs) were previously sent out to a number of Architectural and Engineering firms. Based on the responses to RFPs, the Building Committee (BC) interviewed four firms on September 16. The BC further negotiated with and finally selected the firm of Bockus Payne. We are targeting to have construction plans and documents developed and approved by the City of Stillwater by March 17, 2017. On the same weekend, we toured two on-campus dorms for our undergraduate members to live in during construction. Generous alumni have contributed $1,450,000 in written commitments and $967,000 has already been collected. The building committee is anticipating that an additional $500,000 to $600,000 will be needed for the demolition next May to start construction in June. This will be accomplished by the fulfillment of current written and verbal pledges along with additional fundraising. Inside: Loyal Donors t 2-3 Alumni Spotlights t 3-4 All-Around Success t 4 Chapter Counselor's Report t 5 Alpha Artery A PUBLICATION FOR ALUMNI OF OKLAHOMA ALPHA t SIGMA PHI EPSILON FALL 2016 Campaign StatuS at-a-glanCe As of October 26, 2016 Goal $2 Million Total Committed $1,450,000 new Chapter houSe enterS next phaSe of Development, arChiteCtural & engineering firm SeleCteD We Need Your Help Levi Close '18 at the Parthenon during Tragos Quest to Greece this summer. New members listen to words of wisdom from recent alumnus Aaron Cromer '16.

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