Beta Theta Pi - Purdue University

Fall 2016 Newsletter

Beta Mu Chapter of Beta Theta Pi at Purdue University

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Beta Mu Link B e t a t h e t a P i a t P u r d u e u n i v e r s i t y • w w w . P u r d u e B e t a . c o m Fall 2016 I t's a good time to be a Beta at Purdue. The fall brings a new year and a fresh start for our undergraduate membership, and I'm excited to see what Beta Mu will accomplish this year. To add to the excitement, a very generous brother has issued a $250,000 matching gift challenge to his Beta Mu brothers to spark new and increased giving to the Return to Dominance campaign. He already made a pledge and is stepping forward once again for the good of the campaign. He will match every new dollar donated to the campaign up to $250,000 between now and December 31, 2016. The campaign stands to gain $500,000 ($250,000 in new gifts matched by $250,000 from this brother), which would bring us much closer to our $5 million campaign goal. Success Vital in Securing Future of Beta Mu We are extremely grateful to the alumni who have gotten us to this point. Because of their generosity, we are over 75% to our goal, and the matching gift challenge will really help this campaign. However, it is only with equally generous gifts from the rest of our alumni that we can finish the campaign and ensure our Chapter House is funded and the remaining updates completed to be competitive for the future. We need broad participation to be successful. The average Greek fundraising campaign has 25% participation. We are currently at 14%. We need you to participate today. generous alumnus Issues $250,000 Matching Gift Challenge Double Your Giving Power Now Community service with TedX. From left: Diego Cabrales '19, Grady Young '19, Joe Fierle '18, Andres Barrio '19, Nigel Wilson '19, Ryan Yoo '19, Alex Miller '18, and Ted Foussianes '19. B eta Theta Pi at Purdue is enjoying great success and proving they are a strong group of men ready to lead the next generation of Beta Mus. Here are a few of their recent accomplishments at-a-glance. Turn to page 2 to read more from the Chapter. • Top cumulative GPA on campus • Strong recruitment—34 bids, 34 accepted, 100% retention • Second on campus in community service despite having fewer members than other fraternities • Focused on meeting requirements to receive Charter at 2017 summer convention • Positioned to receive both the Sisson & Knox awards at 2017 summer convention • Recently featured in Indy Star article, see page 2 for more details. Beta Mu's Return to Dominance (Continued on page 5)

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