Sigma Alpha Epsilon - Kansas State University

Fall 2016 Newsletter

Kansas Beta Chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity at Kansas State University

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KAnsAs betA house corPorAtion of sigmA AlPhA ePsilon P.o. box 14692 lenexA, Ks 66285 RetuRn SeRvice RequeSted Attention: This newsletter is intended for alumni, undergraduates, and parents. If your son has graduated, please send us his permanent address to update our records. Thank you. THE lion's lore Prospect Name: ______________________________________________________________ Home Address: ______________________________________________________________ City: _____________________________________ State: ____________ Zip: ____________ Phone: _____________________________________________________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________________________________________ Does prospect have an SAE relative? _____________________________________________ High School: ________________________________________________________________ Reference Submitted by: _______________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________________________________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________________________________________ Send Us Your Recruitment Recommendations A lumni, we value your input in membership selection. Please send your recruitment recommendations to House Corporation President Steve Lacy '76, '77 at steve.lacy@ or recruitment chairmen Dane Stewart '18 and Matt Worley '18 at ksu.sae. Or, simply fill out the form below and mail it to 1015 Denison Ave., Manhattan, KS 66502. Your Support Is Needed to Reach Our $30,000 Goal W e are truly grateful to the following alumni who donated $19,051 in 2016. Your gifts help complete necessary projects and ensure the Kansas Beta legacy lives on. Thank you! Phoenix Club ($2,500 and above) Stephen M. Lacy '76, '77 Phi Alpha Club ($1,000 to $2,499) Richard E. Mistler '62 Joe Emerson Moreland '66 Russell E. Bishop '73 Purple & Gold Club ($500 to $999) John R. Stack '55 Robert M. Kissick '58 Mike L. Stout '58 Jim R. Grier III '60 Jerry W. Boettcher '63 Thomas E. Mistler '63 Gen. Richard B. Myers '65 Jeffrey H. Berke '78 Brian Emery Calovich '82 Violet Club ($250 to $499) James R. Breneman '64 Robert K. Beymer '78 Donors (Up to $249) John D. Costello '52 Peter A. Martin '54 Roger W. Coulter '61 Jerry D. Prather '66 Daniel E. Fankhauser '67 Bill K. Shaw '75 Paul C. DeVore '76 Thomas B. Bowles '77 Steven R. Brewer '78 Eric A. Hartenstein '82 Kory J. Wilson '96 Thank You, Loyal Alumni, for Committing $19,000

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