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fAll 2016
lion's lore
Kansas Beta
Active Chapter
Alumni Updates
New Members
Donor List
am pleased to report that the actives continue to provide
strong leadership and the chapter is aggressively on the
upswing. For the fall 2016 semester, the chapter house is
once again full with 55 men living in. See the list of 25 new
members for the fall 2016 semester on page 3. The men
are taking the academic side of their college experience
seriously, the house is in good physical condition and the
chapter budget is in solid shape. Please read the chapter
update by Daniel Vasquez '16 on page 2.
We were pleased to host more than 200 parents and alumni
on Family Day at the chapter house on Saturday, September
24, 2016. It was a great opportunity to welcome new
members to Kansas Beta and celebrate our recent success.
At Leadership School this summer, Kansas Beta was
t Chapter Achievement Award – (the second highest
attainable award)
t Daniel Vasquez '16, our chapter president, won the
Outstanding Eminent Archon Award,
t Ryan Stricklan '18, our chapter treasurer, won the
Outstanding Eminent Treasurer Award
We are all very proud of the men, their accomplishments
and this national recognition.
Recruitment continues to be the critical lifeblood of
the chapter. If you are aware of any potential new
members, please contact me or recruitment chairmen Dane
Stewart '18 at danes@ksu.edu or Matt Worley '18 at
Over the last several years, we have worked aggressively
to fill the chapter house with quality men, significantly
improve the physical structure, and carefully manage our
finances. With these activities well in hand, I think it's time
to move the chapter experience to the next level.
Our Annual Giving Campaign is now in its third year. I am
pleased with alumni response to date—as we have raised
more than $50,000 in the first two years.
Our Annual Giving Campaign goal is to raise at least
$30,000 by December 31, 2016. We have raised $19,051
in 2016 to date. Please be generous in the next mailing
that you will receive in early to mid-November.
In addition, we have begun design and cost analyses to
remodel the chapter house kitchen, which is basically the
same as it was in the 1970s when I lived in the house and
Bessie Inman was our cook! More to come on that in the
next 60 days.
Thanks for your continued support. I promise you the
money is carefully managed and invested in the future of
Kansas Beta—which is bright.
Yours in the bonds,
Steve Lacy '76, '77
House Corporation President
(515) 284-3895
Positive Momentum at the Active Chapter Continues
Kansas Beta brothers display the Chapter
Achievement Award received at Leadership School.
Stay Connected
with Kansas Beta
Chapter Website
National Website