Lambda Chi Alpha - University of Oklahoma

Fall 2016 Newsletter

Gamma-Rho Zeta of Lambda Chi Alpha at the University of Oklahoma

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Gamma Gamma Rhover Rhover Gamma-Rho Zeta alumni association p.o. box 721891 norman, ok 73070 address service Requested SAve THe DATe for AluMNi fooTBAll TAilgATeS The Gamma-Rho Alumni Association is planning to host tailgates before home football games, depending on start times. Save the dates for these games: September 17 vs. ohio State october 15 vs. Kansas State october 29 vs. Kansas* November 12 vs. Baylor** December 3 vs. oSu *Homecoming ** Dad's Day Times for tailgates will be communicated through e-mail blasts and on our website, so make sure you visit and register your contact information. Boomer Sooner! Website: Facebook: OU Lambda Chi Alpha Alumni Twitter: @OU_LXA f f l folloW uS oNliNe Alumni, Join gamma-rho's Memorial Walk T he alumni association has partnered with the ΛΧΑ parent's club to offer alumni the opportunity to purchase a memorial brick paver to add to our Gamma-Rho memorial walkway. The walkway will line the paths to our Chapter House at 904 College Avenue, and for $500 alumni can purchase a brick paver with their name and initation number on it to add to the walkway. For another $250, alumni can purchase a commemorative brick to memorialize a brother no longer with us. This can be a founder, relative, roomate, or big brother who has passed. Please cut out the order form below and return it with payment in the return envelope included in this edition of the Gamma Rhover. You can also order online at gamma-rho Zeta of lambda Chi Alpha PRiMARy: $500 name: _________________________________________________ gamma Rho #: __________________________________________ MeMORiAL: $250 name: _________________________________________________ gamma Rho #: __________________________________________ ToTAl: $______

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