Sigma Phi Epsilon - Oklahoma State University

Spring 2016 Newsletter

Oklahoma Alpha Chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity at Oklahoma State University

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Inside: Loyal Donors t 2 AVC Welcomes New Leadership t 3 Todd Donavan '86 Spotlight t 3 Aaron Cromer '16 Spotlight t 5 Alpha Artery A PUBLICATION FOR ALUMNI OF OKLAHOMA ALPHA t SIGMA PHI EPSILON SPRING 2016 A t the beginning of 2016, the Pride in Our Past, Ensuring Our Future: The Campaign for Oklahoma Alpha entered an exciting new phase of leadership and management. Our motivation to end our campaign as strongly as we started stems from the idea that we all got something out of our membership and it's time to pay that forward for future generations of brothers. To date we have raised $1,300,371 toward our $2 million goal. We want to thank everyone who has already contributed financially, but we need support from all of our brothers to complete the project as planned. On April 23, the AVC decided to move forward with developing a shovel-ready plan based on the current concept of our chapter house. Our concept architect is located in Virginia so they will coordinate our transition to a local architect (contract pending) to finish putting together our project. Once those have been prepared, the AVC will present those proposed plans to the city of Stillwater for approval to begin construction. The chapter also received a grant from the SigEp National Office to help fund some of the initial cost as they are interested in supporting our efforts. Please review our proposed timeline on page 6 of the newsletter to learn more about the specific project details contingent with the city's approval of our project. We have made progress with our fundraising, but we need to increase participation to ensure the chapter is on a solid financial foundation. So far, 127 alumni, or only 10%, have made a commitment to the campaign. With the average participation rate among Greek campaigns being 20-25%, we know we can do better. Now is the time to give! Alumni, the next steps are yours. It is up to us to make this dream a reality. We must meet our $2 million goal to guarantee we can complete the project as planned. If you have been considering a gift to the campaign, please consider these reasons to send in your gift today: t We know you want to be a part of this once-in-a- lifetime opportunity. t Many brothers have taken advantage of our convenient five-year pledge program to maximize their giving potential. t Any donor who contributes $2,500 or more will have his name listed on a plaque in a prominent area of the new chapter house. t If you know of a brother who has not stepped forward with a gift, encourage him to make a pledge immediately. The need is huge, and the time is now. Please don't wait; use the enclosed pledge form to make your pledge to Oklahoma Alpha today. Fraternally, Mike Reddout '85 Campaign Chairman (580) 380-6565 OklahOma alpha alumni VOlunteer COrpOratiOn President Todd Donavan '86 (970) 430-9700 Vice President Si Fentress '72 Treasurer Kay Robinson (614) 323-7319 Secretary Karig Culver '80 Property Manager Randy Barton '80 Campaign Chairman Mike Reddout '85 Alumni Relations Advisor Trevor Davenport '14 Chapter Counselor Trey Lewis '08 Balanced Man Steward Jon Cantanzarita '11 Members-at-Large Vicky Brown Darrell Pulliam '84 Mike Daniel '85 OklahOma alpha hires architecture Firm DOnate tODay tO make an impact On Our Future Oklahoma Alpha receiving awards at the 2016 Carlson Leadership Academy.

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