Desert Messenger

May 18, 2016

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2 May 18, 2016 CHURCH Fire Station First Assembly of God Church 665 W. Tyson, Quartzsite, Arizona 928-927-5808 Come hear what Dr. Vaughn E. Huckfeldt has to say about "God is Dead..." SUNDAY, MAY 22 - 6:30PM FREE! FREE! Dr. Huckfeldt earned doctorate in Operations Re- search from Case Institute, Cleveland, OH. Addi- tionally, Dr. H has undergraduate degrees in Math- ematics and Economics. He is President of the National Policy Analysis Center, Boulder CO. Dr. H has a background working with the United States Air Force, and for NASA in the area of satellite launching and development. He is a consultant to Industry and Government agencies. He has been a Higher Education Think Tank researcher, assisting in the development of the Pell Grant system, and a Full Professor at several universities; University of Colorado, Regis University, and the American University of Armenia.

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