Pi Kappa Alpha - Missouri State University

Spring 2016 Newsletter

Zeta Chi Chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha at Missouri State University

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Zeta Chi Alumni Association P.O. Box 1202 Ballwin, MO 63022 Address Service Requested Attention: This newsletter is intended for alumni, undergraduate, and parents. If your son is still attending Missouri State University, he will receive a copy at the chapter house. If he has graduated, please send us his permanent address to update our records. Thank you. THE ZETA CHI PIKELINE ZETA CHI CHAPTER OF PI KAPPA ALPHA AT MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY President Tyler Jones '12 jones994@ live.missouristate.edu (636) 448-8457 External Vice President Brandon Herling '14 Internal Vice President Jay Billings '13 Vice President of Programming Connor Hughes '14 Secretary Chad Thornhill '14 Treasurer Chandler Rogers '13 Sergeant-at-Arms Andrew Whitney '13 New Member Educator Hayden Lee '14 Recruitment Chairman Scott Harned '13 harned71894@ gmail.com Continuing Educator Ethan Rumbo '14 Member-at-Large Blake Hosley '13 Risk Management Chairman Nate Wilkerson '15 Welcome, 2016 New Actives Adam Basler Will Blount Will Brockmeier Chandler Dorris Tristan Fritz Nailer Harrison Jackson Johnson Austin Laslo Nick Lammert Evan McKay Matt Reisner Nick Whitney Brad Wright 2016 chaPter Officers SAVE THE DATE Alumni Weekend April 29-May1 Friday Night: Welcome Saturday: Golf Tournament Saturday Night: Banquet Sunday at 12:30 p.m. Chapter Meeting with Alumni To sign up, contact Chandler Henze '14 at (636) 866-4689 or at chandler367@live.missouristate.edu. We have made arrangements for rooms at University Plaza Hotel at a group rate of $104 per night, which includes complimentary breakfast for up to four people. To book a room, please call (417) 864-7333 and ask for reservations. Inform them you are attending a MSU alumni event and ask for the MSU rate. Homecoming 2016 October 14-15 More details to come. JOIN THE 1969 CLUB TODAY! T he 1969 Club is an optional giving club and allows you to further support Zeta Chi Chapter. Membership in the 1969 Club is $20 per month, or $240 per year. Your support will help fund alumni association operations and chapter house needs that are vital to the future of our fraternity at Missouri State University. Fill out the form below and send it with your check to Zeta Chi Alumni Association, 318 Panhurst Court, Ballwin, MO 63021, or go to www.zetachipikes.com to pay online today. Members will receive special recognition in both the newsletter and on our website. We hope you will take this opportunity to further your support of Zeta Chi and make a positive impact on our future today! 2016 Members R. Michael Pearson '75 William B. Knox '77 James H. Wilson '81 Jeffery L. Layman '88 Jeff Counts '90 Michael R. Romanoski '90 Bron T. Launsby '91 Zeta Chi Alumni Association Dues M issouri State would not have an active Pike chapter if not for the alumni association. Your annual dues of $100 support alumni communications, events, and provide funds so the actives can attend Pike University. Dues also support insurance, storage, and maintenance for the fire truck. Membership dues were expected March 1. If you have not paid your 2016 dues yet, there is still time. Fill out this form and send it with your check to Zeta Chi Alumni Association, 318 Panhurst Court, Ballwin, MO 63021 or go to www. zetachipikes.com to pay online today. We also offer three- and five-year membership payment plans. For more details, e-mail alumni@zetachipikes.com. Name: _______________________________ Address: _____________________________ City:_________________________________ State: _______ Zip:_____________________ Phone Number: ________________________ E-mail: _______________________________ Amount Enclosed: r $100 r Other Amount: ______________________

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