Pi Kappa Alpha - Missouri State University

Spring 2016 Newsletter

Zeta Chi Chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha at Missouri State University

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THE ZETA CHI PIKELINE 3 PIKE SETS THE STANDARD FOR FRATERNITY MEN Chapter Focused on Leadership and Philanthropy T he undergraduate chapter is working hard to continue building on the success of the last few semesters. Our GPA, community service hours, and other performance metrics continue to steadily increase. Pike is focused on creating sustainable chapter growth and setting the standard for fraternity men at Missouri State. In addition to their participation in Zeta Chi, our members are involved on and off campus. We have several members who hold leadership positions in various organizations and who are focused on making a difference in the Springfield community. New Academic Programming Developed The semester started off well with the chapter achieving a GPA of 2.97, which is an 11% increase from the previous semester. In addition, we have put renewed focus on academics and have developed new programming that promotes academic excellence. The programming includes incentives, such as half off dues for attaining a 4.0 GPA, and is designed to assist and improve the performance of members who are struggling academically. Chapter Hosts Successful Fireman's Challenge Each year, Pike partners with the Springfield Fire Department to conduct our fall philanthropy event, the Fireman's Challenge. All proceeds from the event benefit the Mercy Burn Unit in Springfield, Missouri. Members of Zeta Chi also won a tube tug event sponsored by the campus ministry, The Vine. The chapter was given $1,000 to be donated to Mercy's Burn Unit. In addition to these events, we coordinated a trivia event to raise money and awareness for Make Our Day, a non-profit dedicated to providing education services to children in Thailand. The event raised more than $1,600. Overall, the chapter raised a total of $3,610 for our various philanthropies and completed more than 900 community service hours. Established Leaders on Campus Zeta Chi was proud to initiate 34 members last fall into the Pike brotherhood. We are excited for how these members will grow our chapter and further our success. The spring class is currently undergoing the new member education process. In addition to their involvement in Zeta Chi, many of our members are involved in organizations on and off campus. This semester, Andrew Whitney '13 has taken on the role of Fraternity & Sorority Life Council specialist, Chandler Rodgers '13 is serving as Greek Week coordinator, and Ryan Dansby '15 is the vice president of administration for the Interfraternity Council. We are extremely proud of all our members' hard work and dedication to making a positive impact in the Greek community. Thank You, Loyal Alumni! Zeta Chi is extremely thankful for the continued support and guidance from alumni and our families. We would not be the chapter we are today if it weren't for the example you have set. We hope to see all of you during Alumni Weekend April 29-May 1! Fraternally, Tyler Jones '12 Chapter President jones994@live.missouristate.edu (636) 448-8457 The 2015 Fireman's Challenge was a huge success. Zeta chi: a BrOtherhOOd fOr life Shane Hill '93 Reflects on His Experiences T he Pike brotherhood is a bond for life. The connections and relationships developed during our undergraduate years have a lasting impact throughout our lives. Those friends we make in Zeta Chi become the friends we count on to celebrate with us and to help us in times of need. Shane Hill '93 has come to value the relationships he made in Pike and maintains those connections still today. "I will always be grateful that I can count on my brothers anytime." When Shane first came to Missouri State, the men of Pike stood above the rest. "I felt it was the best fraternity on campus." His experiences in Zeta Chi helped prepare him for life after college and provided him with valuable communication and leadership skills. "My membership in Pike helped me learn how to talk with and motivate people. It helped me learn to be both people- orientated and mission-orientated at the same time." Several years after graduation, Shane had an unfortunate accident that resulted in him becoming a quadriplegic. "After my accident, my Pike brothers stepped up and helped me in my time of need." When he moved to the Kansas City area, he had brothers coming to help him with various projects. "I recall immediately after I moved here, Greg Schneider '95 came over and started helping me out. I will be forever grateful for the support and encouragement I received from my brothers." Over the past several years, Shane has been impressed with the quality of men in Zeta Chi. "I think the active members have a lot of potential. I hope they continue to focus on attracting new members who are high-caliber individuals." An essential part of continuing the legacy of Zeta Chi is for alumni and undergraduates to be engaged with one another. "The undergraduate members need the leadership and guidance that alumni can provide. Engaged alumni help build a stronger brotherhood and a stronger chapter." Shane lives in Pleasant Hill, Missouri, where he works for Homeland Security. He enjoys the challenges his position presents and the opportunity to protect the country he loves. You can connect with him at shanehill1868@gmail.com.

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