Sigma Alpha Epsilon - Kansas State University

Spring 2016 Newsletter

Kansas Beta Chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity at Kansas State University

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The lion's lore page 2 Welcome, neW members Eddie Genovese / Frisco, Texas Chris Lubrano / The Woodlands, Texas Tyler Moore / San Jose, Calif. President Daniel Vasquez '16 (210) 381-9125 Vice President Colton Jenkins '18 (913) 375-4118 Treasurer Ryan Stricklan '18 (816) 588-8296 New Member Educator Scott Barnow '18 (816) 585-4910 Social Chairman Nick Crippen '18 (316) 680-0565 Recruitment Chairmen Dane Stewart '18 (785) 844-3058 Zach Gerber '19 (913) 687-6655 Philanthropy Chairman Jake Putnam '18 (913) 687-7792 House Managers Ryan Deters '17 (785) 556-0197 Eric Deters '19 (785) 556-0325 Warden Nick Baron '19 (417) 350-9105 Health and Safety Jeremy Campbell '19 (785) 250-7128 jereml! New members Chris Lubrano '19, Tyler Moore '19, and Eddie Genovese '19. Executive Officers I am pleased to report that the active members provide strong leadership, and the chapter continues on the upswing. Please read the chapter update by Daniel Vasquez '16 on page 1. The men are taking the academic side of their college experience seriously. For the fall 2015 semester, SAE had the fourth highest GPA of all fraternities on the KSU campus. See the list of new members for the spring 2016 semester below. The chapter house is in good physical condition and the chapter budget is in solid shape. Recruitment is the critical lifeblood of the chapter. If you are aware of any potential new members, please fill out and return the document on page 4, or contact me or Recruitment Chairmen Dane Stewart '18 at or Zach Gerber '19 at Over the last several years, we have aggressively worked to fill the chapter house with quality men, significantly improve the physical structure, and carefully manage our finances. With these activities well in hand, I think it's time to move the chapter experience to the next level. As I have become more involved with Kansas Beta and the Greek system at KSU over the past few years, it is clear the most successful fraternities on campus have the strongest alumni involvement and support. I am in the process of recruiting select alumni to begin reaching out into their own networking pool to create opportunities for the SAE active members to find top tier-internships. The needs are by major and by region, both in Kansas and neighboring states. Each alumnus has his own circle of influence and, together, we can make a difference in the lives of our undergraduates. If you can help with our internship program, please reach out to me. Our annual giving campaign is now in its third year. I am pleased with alumni response. We have raised more than $58,000 in the first two years. See our results for 2015 on page 3. Our new goal for 2016 is to raise at least $30,000 by December 31. Please be generous in the next mailing that you will receive in mid- April. I promise you the money is carefully managed and invested in the future of Kansas Beta—which is bright. Yours in the bonds, Steve Lacy '76, '77 House Corporation President (515) 284-3895 POSITIVE MOMENTUM AT THE ACTIVE CHAPTER REMAINS Send in Your Recruitment Recommendations to Continue Advancement Left: Brothers enjoy skiing during the annual Sigma Alpha Epsilon ski trip. Middle: Zach Gerber '19, Daniel Vasquez '16, Matt Worley '18, and Christian Sepulveda '18 traveled to Stillwater, Oklahoma, for the K-State vs. OSU football game and made a stop at the Oklahoma Mu chapter house. Right: Eliot Gassman '19, Matthew Hollingsworth '19, and Zane Heigele '19 attend a date party.

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