Delta Chi - Educational Foundation

Spring 2016 Newsletter

Delta Chi Educational Foundation

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Page 3 The DelTa Chi eDuCaTional FounDaTion Bill VollBract, Kansas '60, learns Discipline in Delta chi A t home in the mountains of Colorado, Bill Vollbracht, Kansas '60, has come a long way since his days as an undergraduate. His degree in business with a minor in economics was hard-earned and set the stage for a career in real estate. It was just after graduation that Bill moved to Colorado, where he always knew he wanted to live. "I lived in Boulder when I first arrived and sold real estate. Later I went to work for a mortgage company and then a title company before deciding to start my own title company." In 1967, Bill started Land Title Guarantee Company and now has offices covering the entire state of Colorado. In 1971, with a childhood friend from Wichita, Bill founded Alpine Banks, which first focused on mountain towns before moving into Denver. Despite the distance from his chapter at the University of Kansas, Bill has remained engaged through the Foundation, reaching the New Founder level in his giving to the Fraternity. "Because I live in Denver, my contribution to Delta Chi has mostly been financial. I feel I owe them something for what they gave me." "As an undergraduate, Delta Chi was the only fraternity where I felt really good with the people I met. I felt a lot of pride as a Delta Chi, because those brothers helped me to grow up. I did not make my grades the first and second semester of college and had to learn some discipline. The Fraternity helped me a lot with this. They really contributed to my future success with the lessons I learned and helped me become the person I am today because they gave me confidence." "Those first two semesters were so hard and the help they gave me in how to discipline myself in studying and setting goals became a huge help in the success I have had. In giving back to Delta Chi, it makes me feel good to know that I am helping where I was helped." Bill and his wife, Leslie, have two daughters, Dana and Alison, and two grandchildren, Kirby and Kate. The family bought a ranch 25 years ago and Bill became a cowboy, enjoying riding, fishing, hunting, and any outdoor activity. I t was on the world's most famous beach in Daytona that the journey to Delta Chi began for Ed Fusco, Embry-Riddle '73. Upon starting college, Ed had joined a local fraternity, Pi Sigma Phi, at the recommendation of his friend, Mike Harvey, Embry-Riddle '72. In addition to the social community available at its fraternity house on 427 S. Ridgewood Avenue, the organization was very successful in recruitment, athletics, scholarship, and campus leadership. But it was during spring break, when Ray Loehner, Embry-Riddle '70, Spence Price, Embry- Riddle '71, and other members of the local organization met Fred Leonhardt and the Delta Chis from the University of Florida—a group that really stood out! Conversations progressed and Ed, along with all members of Pi Sigma Phi, were invited to the University of Florida in Gainesville to meet the brothers of the Delta Chi chapter and see their house. "We really liked the Delta Chi chapter at Florida. They represented the very best of the organization and the more we got to know them, the more impressed we were. They proposed Pi Sigma Phi become a colony of Delta Chi, we put it to a vote, and unanimously agreed." So, Pi Sigma Phi became Delta Chi and Ed had the chance to step into new opportunities and leadership experiences, including serving as chapter president. "I learned about setting and achieving goals, conflict resolution, managing a budget—all important life lessons that never change, but do get bigger. Without Delta Chi and the friendship of many brothers, that still exist today, my college experience would have been much less than optimal." Ed remained involved in Delta Chi even after graduation, serving as chapter advisor "BB" for the generations that followed at Embry-Riddle. "When a fraternity fires on all eight cylinders, it's a great undergraduate experience. I've tried to ensure that future generations get to experience fraternity life at its very best." The Delta Chi Foundation has also benefitted from Ed's desire to give back. "The Foundation reaches many more members than I ever could on my own. I believe what Delta Chi is doing at the international level promotes the life-changing experience of the Fraternity." "I'm fond of quoting Bill Tallman, Embry-Riddle '95, who observes, 'everyone has their story, but ultimately you have the time and money for those things you want to have time and money for.' I'm glad to be able to give back to Delta Chi for the many benefits I've received." Ed and his wife of 45 years, Phylann, make their home in Dallas, Texas. Ed has built a career with 7-Eleven, Inc., working with the company for more than 40 years, currently as the senior director of construction at the headquarters office. Ed Fusco, Embry-Riddle '73— A Lifelong Delta Chi Foundation Board of Directors and Staff President Chairman of the Board James M. Marascio, Bryant '93 Vice President Donald E. LaPlante, Southern California Secretary Lyle E. Sprinkle, Georgia Tech '96 Treasurer Rod Arnold, Texas A&M '88 Executive Committee Members Steven R. Michels, Marquette '87 John G. Tunila, Connecticut '81 Directors Lee P. Berlin, Cornell '58 Michael L. Carroll, Auburn '71 Ratheen C. Damle, Texas '01 Bobby L. Dewrell, Troy State '92 Robert Hendershot, Purdue '72 J. Don Turk, Florida '68 Patrick F. Weber, Oklahoma '87 Chad M. Wolett, Arizona State '94 John S. Ziegler Jr., Louisiana Tech '01 Chief Administrative Officer Justin P. Sherman, Central Missouri '08 (319) 337-4811 Chief Development Officer Michael A. Martinez, Michigan State '82 (312) 340-7777 Project Manager Christian A. Wargo, Case Western Reserve '13 (319) 337-4811 Headquarters Office Staff Claudia Jansenius (319) 337-4811

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