Lambda Chi Alpha - University of Oklahoma

Spring 2016 Newsletter

Gamma-Rho Zeta of Lambda Chi Alpha at the University of Oklahoma

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Lambda Chi aLpha Donate Online at Generous Alumni mAke scholArships possible More than $17,000 Raised page 2 I n fall 2015, many of you responded to our call for supporting Gamma-Rho Zeta and gave $17,160 to Lambda Chi at the University of Oklahoma. The tax-deductible funds will be used to provide scholarships and leadership opportunities to our undergraduate members, while the non-tax-deductible gifts will allow us to maintain our alumni relations and events. The accomplishments and success enjoyed by our undergraduates are directly attributed to the ongoing and loyal support from our alumni. Pearl Level ($5,000 and above) Truman C. Edminster III, ΓΡ 855 Gold Level ($1,500 to $4,999) Dr. Adam B. Smith, ΓΡ 1013 Brian P. Kimzey, ΓΡ 2063 Purple Level (Up to $499) Jack B. Austerman, ΓΡ 212 Jim L. Litton, ΓΡ 290 George E. Orr, ΓΡ 295 Dr. Joseph A. Cook, ΓΡ 356 Charles O. Lescher, ΓΡ 386 John L. Wooley, ΓΡ 407 Larry E. Kerr, ΓΡ 417 Owen W. Lafferty, ΓΡ 437 Larry L. Bledsoe, ΓΡ 465 E.T. Laird, ΓΡ 468 Thomas J. Goodall, ΓΡ 485 Peter K. Wert, ΓΡ 487 Jack P. Gatewood, ΓΡ 560 James R. Robinson, ΓΡ 626 Dr. Stephen D. Confer, ΓΡ 665 Dr. John A. Wright, ΓΡ 666 Robert L. Gamble, ΓΡ 698 Douglas C. Hellerson, ΓΡ 718 William G. Sell, ΓΡ 819 Steven E. Gaede, ΓΡ 820 Andrew R. Turner, ΓΡ 877 Greg A. Vlahos, ΓΡ 972 Todd R. Schlosser, ΓΡ 1186 Jimmie L. Draper, ΓΡ 1421 Todd N. Huettner, ΓΡ 1594 Trevor J. Tullius, ΓΡ 1905 Winton Scholarship Austin Casillas, ΓΡ 2656 Corbin King, ΓΡ 2659 Colt Standefer, ΓΡ 2688 Jacob Carmen, ΓΡ 2690 Malone Scholarship Patrick Bass, ΓΡ 2536 Kyle Metzger, ΓΡ 2600 Bond Olivo, ΓΡ 2643 Parker Randels, ΓΡ 2646 Zach Schuermann, ΓΡ 2649 2016 Scholarship Award Winners Vir Quisque Vir: A Man's Life Devoted to Gamma-Rho Your Gift Counts Anytime! I f you would like to make a gift to our annual campaign, you can do so online at or by sending a check with the following gift form to our P.O. Box. Your support of the Gamma-Rho Zeta Alumni Association is greatly appreciated and will be used to support alumni communication and activities, and Chapter recruitment. Mail your gift (using form) to: Gamma-Rho Zeta Alumni Association • P.O. Box 721891 • Norman, OK 73070 Make checks payable to: Gamma-Rho Zeta Alumni Association (non-tax deductible) Name: _____________________________________________ Graduation Year: __________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________________________________________ ( ) $50 ( ) $100 ( ) $200 ( ) $500 ( ) Other $_____ (non-tax deductible) Former Gamma-Rho High Pi and Order of Merit recipient, Don Sherman, ΓΡ 364, has announced his retirement from the Sigma Phi Housing Corporation, which he has served on for more than 40 years, and McClain Bank, where he has served as the CEO for several decades and for more than 55 years of service total. He served as president from 1988 to 2001 and has served as a chairman of the board since 1998. Gamma-Rho has been richly blessed with alumni who are dedicated to the brothers' successes, like Don Sherman. "I joined the Chapter as a pledge in my freshman year, one of 20 in the pledge class. The house held 40 men at the time and I moved into the house in 1954, which was the year that the new addition was built. I was fortunate to live in the new addition as a junior and senior. Afterwards, I had the privilege of serving as the Chapter adviser for eight years, and during one of those the brothers received the Grand High Alpha Award. I became the Chapter adviser because I loved Lambda Chi Alpha and have always found it to be rewarding to work with young people. Our Chapter members have always evolved around values with quality attracting quality." Brother Sherman received Lambda Chi Alpha's highest alumni award, the Order of Merit, in 1990. He has also served on the Lambda Chi Alpha Educational Foundation Board. In honor of Brother Sherman's dedication to Gamma-Rho Zeta, the Chapter honored him in February at the Ozark Conclave closing banquet, which was hosted at the Sam Noble Museum in Norman, Oklahoma. Current High Pi and 2008 Order of Merit recipient, Rodger Lalli, ΓΡ 1894, spoke highly of Don's dedication to a "lifetime of brotherhood" to more than 100 Lambda Chi Alpha undergraduates from Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas, Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, and Oklahoma. Thank you, Don, for your devotion and dedicated service to the preservation of our Lambda Chi values and growth of our Chapter.

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