Lambda Chi Alpha - University of Oklahoma

Spring 2016 Newsletter

Gamma-Rho Zeta of Lambda Chi Alpha at the University of Oklahoma

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GAMMA GAMMA Rhover Vir QuisQue Vir: A MAn's life DeVoteD to GAMMA-rho — pG. 2 lAMbDA Chi AlphA sets the stAnDArD for frAternity Men — pG. 3 WelCoMe, 2016 neW initiAtes — pG. 4 sAVe the DAte for AluMni footbAll tAilGAtes — pG. 4 s U N I V E R S I T Y O F O K L A H O M As A L A M B D A C H I A L P H A A L U M N I P U B L I C A T I O N Spring 2016 Sigma Phi Announces Tax-Deductible Donation Agreement Y our Sigma Phi Housing Corporation is happy to announce an agreement with the ΛXA Educational Foundation that will allow new donations toward the Building on Our Tradition of Excellence capital campaign to qualify for tax deductions to the donors. Since the completion of the Chapter House refurbishment, we have been negotiating with the Educational Foundation to offer tax-qualified educational donations to allow us to reduce the debt load and better manage the expenses incurred during the refurbishment. Change orders and unforeseen costs always arise during a refurbishment project of this magnitude, especially considering the age of our Chapter House. In the past, on the OU campus, other fraternities and sororities had inadequate capital planning after similar projects, causing their chapter's ultimate closing. This campaign will ensure that Gamma-Rho Chapter will remain cost- competitive with other fraternities and remain the top Chapter on campus. Solicitation mailings will go out soon to allow our alumni to take advantage of this great tax break. The solicitations will have details of giving levels that qualify for this preferred tax status. Two principal levels are: • An individual donation of $5,000 or greater qualifies for tax deduction, and can be paid out over a five-year period. • A $25,000 donation not only qualifies for the tax deduction, but allows the donor(s) naming rights for one of our residence rooms in the Chapter House, to be denoted by a plaque in the room. This donation can also be paid out over a five-year period, and can be from an individual alumnus or can be shared by a group of alumni. Thank you to the ΛXA Educational Foundation for working with us to be able to offer this to our alumni donors. We hope you all will consider this opportunity to further support our Chapter and continue our tradition of excellence. Yours in Z.A.X., Bob Canfield, ΓΡ 876 President, Sigma Phi Housing Corporation Y our Gamma-Rho Alumni Association hosted a tailgate party at the Oklahoma vs. Iowa State football game last fall. It was Dad's Day and a perfect fall football afternoon for the Sooners. The actives, parents, and alumni enjoyed an outdoor buffet and cash bar and, of course, the Sooners won on the way to the conference championship. The Sigma Phi Housing Corporation, in concert with the alumni association, took this opportunity to host an awards ceremony honoring the room naming donors from the Building on Our Tradition of Excellence capital campaign. These dedicated alumni and parents qualified for room naming rights thanks to their generous donations, which allowed us to completely refurbish our historic Chapter House at 904 College. Please join us in recognizing these dedicated and generous individuals: Don Sherman, ΓΡ 374 David Magstadt, ΓΡ 1612 Raj Patel, ΓΡ 1120 Matt Porter, ΓΡ 1615 Ron Elkins, ΓΡ 393 Conrad Masterson, ΓΡ 581 Truman Edminster, ΓΡ 855 Carrie Lou and Jim Draper In memory of Garrett Draper, ΓΡ 1310 Dr. Kevin Hook, ΓΡ 1427, Scott Mabrey, ΓΡ 1498, Tim Clay, ΓΡ 1466, Travis Carter, ΓΡ 1422, Darren Loftis, ΓΡ 1486, John Weaver, ΓΡ 1435, and David Willis, ΓΡ 1431 In honor of Mike Dicus, ΓΡ 1430 Chris Miton, ΓΡ 1406 and Dr. Rennie Barnes, ΓΡ 1535 and Craig Parrish, ΓΡ 1541 Dennis Cameron, ΓΡ 1043, Truman Edminster, ΓΡ 855, and James McCarthy, ΓΡ 794 In memory of Davis Cameron, ΓΡ 874 and Max Cameron, ΓΡ 2239 GAMMA-RHO HONORS TRADITION OF EXCELLENCE CAMPAIGN DONORS ABOVE: Last fall we honored several alumni who made generous donations to the Building on Our Tradition of Excellence campaign. BELOW: Alumni, undergraduates, family, and friends gathered on November 7 for our room dedication ceremony, honoring our generous donors. Website: Facebook: OU Lambda Chi Alpha Alumni Twitter: @OU_LXA f f l FOLLOW US ONLINE

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