Beta Mu Chapter of Beta Theta Pi at Purdue University
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BETA MU LINK B E T A T H E T A P I A T P U R D U E U N I V E R S I T Y • W W W . P U R D U E B E T A . C O M Spring 2016 O ur reinvigorated Chapter at Purdue University is doing very well—of that I'm very proud. Our undergraduate brothers are a fine group of young men. They have stood tall and accomplished everything asked of them and they most certainly deserve to represent us all as Betas. They have done their part to continue recruiting fine groups of pledges that mirror our capital campaign initiative: return to dominance. We have begun to honor one of our promises to them, and that is to provide them with a safe, modernized home. The Chapter House renovations we've done so far are incredible. I hope you enjoyed our most recent publication showing photos of some of the renovations. Our Chapter House will be a wonderful symbol of our strength and our goal to once again be the best Chapter on campus. Now we are tasked with finishing this campaign in a strong manner, ensuring the Chapter is not burdened with too much debt. A successful finish will yield a manageable debt load and a stable financial situation for Beta Mu going forward. We have no alternative. Our full renovation plans are predicated on us reaching our $5 million fundraising goal. We have to keep our Chapter focused on the right things without having to worry too much about their finances. Nearly 200 brothers have stepped up to support the project and together they've pledged more than $3.8 million. They saw the importance of these renovations and immediately pledged dollars toward that need. But we are still short of our goal. I ask you to join these brothers now! Please use the enclosed pledge form to make an appropriate pledge to the Return to Dominance campaign. Remember, you can now make your pledge or gift to the Beta Theta Pi Foundation for tax-deductible giving if you so choose. Also, be sure to utilize our pledge program to maximize the potential of your giving and spread your gift over five years. Please do so now and be a part of this historic project. Thank you for your generous support! Yours in _kai_, Cary Wood '89 Campaign Chairman (248) 613-2888 | Campaign Theme, Return to Dominance, Fitting with Chapter Chapter Members Doing Their Part to Return to Dominance Have You Done Your Part? See our growing list of donors inside and learn how you can join them by making a gift today. Campaign StatuS at-a-glanCe As of March 2, 2016 $5 Million Goal $3,885,791 Total Commitments 192 Total Contributors 1,436 Mailable Alumni Get to Know Beta Mu's House Director, Matt Davenport Share a bit of your background. I am originally from Cleveland, Ohio. I received my undergraduate degree in communications from John Carroll University and my master's in higher education administration from Washington State University. I've worked at Manchester College in North Manchester, Indiana; Washington State University in Pullman, Washington; New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, New Mexico; and Purdue University in West Lafayette. What do you do professionally? What are some highlights of your career? I am a residential life assistant director for Legacy Lane at Purdue University, creating a strategic vision for a neighborhood that consists of predominately 3,200 first-year students, 100 staff members, learning communities, a University residence support system, and the Honors College. I also recruit professional and paraprofessional staff members, as well as periodically travel with the office of admissions to recruit new students to Purdue. Some highlights of my career have been winning numerous awards such as the Bill Berner Award for Outstanding Staff Achievement, the Residential Education Director of the Year Award, Staff of the Year Award, Community (Continued on page 3)