The North Carolina Mason

January/February 2016

North Carolina Mason

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January/February 2016 The North Carolina Mason Page 7 MilepoStS KENLY — Kenly 257 honored Paul Holland, seat- ed center, during their November 3 meeting. They presented his Veteran's Emblem for his 50 years of membership in the lodge. Family members were there for the honor. Seen here, from left, are Janie and Joey Holland and Paul's wife Jean. — Ted Sherrod ASHEBORO — Hal Hodgin and Wayne Morton, left, recently visited Kirby Threadgill, right, to present his Diamond Jubilee for his 60 years of lodge membership. The Asheboro 699 member is 95 years old and married to his wife Myrtle for 77 years. — Wayne Morton ZEBULON — Frank Allen Tackett, left, is seen here receiving his Veteran's Emblem from Zebulon 609 Master William A. Adams. The award is for his 50 years as a Mason. — Barna Wilder Barna Wilder photo CONOVER — On September 10, Grand Master Douglas L. Caudle and Past Grand Master Richard Moore presented Conover 709's Fred L. Sherrill Jr. his Dia- mond Jubilee honoring his 60 years as a Mason. Sherrill was master of Conover Lodge in 1960 and has been the lodge's secretary since 1962, 54 years. He has served several Grand Lodge appointments including the NC Masonic Foundation, MESH Board, and Board of General Purposes. He was the 2011 recipient of the Harris-Dudley Grand Secretary's Award. Seen here, from left, are 34 th DDGM Rus- sell E. Bridges, Caudle, Sherrill, Conover Master Billy L. Price Jr., PGM Rick Moore, and Junior Grand Deacon Mack Sigmon. — Mack Sigmon HOOKERTON — Leroy Beaman Whitfield of Jerusalem 95 was recognized October 16 for having achieved 50 years as a certified lecturer. He is only the fourth Mason to ever reach this milestone since the certification program began in 1941. Whitfield was first certified in 1955, served as both district deputy grand master and district deputy grand lecturer, master of his lodge five times, and cur- rently serves as its treasurer. Jerusalem 95 currently has three certified lecturers among its 45 members. Board of Custodians Secretary David L. Potts presented the award at the lodge's Ladies' and Past Masters' Night. Grand Master Douglas L. Caudle and Past Grand Master Dalton W. Mayo were present and spoke. Seen here, from left, are Junior Grand Deacon Mack Sigmon, GM Caudle, Whitfield, PGM Mayo, Charles Chapman, and Potts. — Mack Sigmon OXFORD — On September 21, Bobby Powell got the pleasure of raising his son Robbie Powell III to Master Mason. Masons from three states were there to see three new Masons raised in Oxford 122. — Rich Weaver KINSTON — St. John's 4 raised three new members November 2. Part of the ceremony included Past Master Danny Davis getting to raise his grandson Tyndall Davis. — Lynn Hill

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