Desert Messenger

February 03, 2016

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7 Letters to Editor 8 Adventures w/Rocks 10 Editorial 12 Traveling with Gypsy Jane 14 Restaurants 15 Salome High School 16 Around Town 23 ZITA Virus 31 Golf 34 Music JAMS 36 In Memoriam 38 Churches 42 Valentines 44 Arrest Report 45 Classifeds 46 Paul Winer Cartoon WHAT'S INSIDE SEE SCIENCE DAY PAGE 14 • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 WEDNESDAY, February 3, 2016 VOL. 12 # 230 Now in our 12 t h YEAR! Alwa y s FREE! Youth enjoy Radio Science Day 2016 La Paz Co.youth win statewide competition Y���� ������ ��� H�� ���� �� Q�����F��� 2016 | ����� | C������� P�� D����� KD7KEL Young People in Arizona Step up and Serve the Governor's Offi ce of Youth, Faith and Family Youth-Led Challenge The Governor's Offi ce of Youth, Faith and Family has announced that La Paz County has been de- clared the winner of the friendly competition between all fi fteen counties for the most youth- led service projects logged on the Governor's Youth Commis- sion website at BeSeenBeHeard. The competition began on October 23, 2015 and ended on January 23, 2016. During that time, youth organizations from across the state logged an impressive 44,723 service hours. As the second-least populous county in Arizona, La Paz Coun- ty led the state with 56 youth- led service projects, 752 youth volunteers and 5,647 service hours. For the past few months, the youth were very busy plan- ning and implementing projects throughout the county. One youth group served food at the community senior center an- nual luau party. Another youth group collected over 1800 pounds of food to be distributed to fami- lies in need. "La Paz County has set the stan- dard for mobilizing youth to take the lead in their communities through community service," shared GOYFF Director, Debbie Moak. "This award is a testament of how Arizona youth are joining together and inspiring other youth across the state to help build a better future for Arizona." The Governor's Youth Commis- sion seeks to form a collective voice, mobilizing youth across By David Anderson On January 13, 2016, the Quartzsite Community Cen- ter turned into a Radio Science interactive exhibit with over 10 stations, bringing over 250 students, teachers and community members from around the county, together to have fun while discovering and exploring areas of Amateur Radio and Radio Science. The organizers, Gordo West WB6NOA, Tracy Lenoker WA6ERA, Neil Hays W6FOG, Heather Caton W8GEM and David Anderson K1AN, along with over 30 volunteers from the Quartzsite Amateur Radio Association and the Y���� ������ ��� H�� ���� �� Q�����F��� 2016 | �� ����� | C������� P�� D����� KD7KEL the state to bring about positive change. Along with the service competition that concluded in January, all Arizona youth are encouraged to participate in the Global Youth Service Day on April 15-17, 2016. Arizona was ranked number one in the world in 2015 for the most projects completed. Along with the service competi- tion that runs through January, all Arizona youth are encouraged to participate in the Global Youth Service (GYC) Day on April 15-17, 2016. Arizona was ranked num- ber one in the world in 2015 for the most projects completed. Lo- cally Quartzsite Boy Scout Troop 116 will participate in the Town of Quartzsite's Annual Arbor Day events. They've already registered with GYC for the Park cleanup and weed pickup. Congratulations to the youngsters of La Paz County!

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