Desert Messenger

January 06, 2016

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January 6, 2016 43 radio contact to speak with astro- nauts onboard the International Space Station (ISS) late next year. The towns include Quartzsite, Eh- renberg, Bouse, Brenda, Hope, Wenden and Salome, AZ. Our proposal was one of only 17 proposals from across the United States selected to move forward to the second step of the planning pro- cess, which is to submit our techni- cal plan showing how we will track and communicate with the ISS as it travels at 17,000 miles per hour through space, 250 miles above La Paz County. When a community works together amazing things can happen. Radio science, amateur radio and space research have proven their abil- ity to inspire and lift youth up into learning an careers in science, tech- nology, engineering and math. This amazing opportunity for our youth was made possible by so many people in our schools, towns, orga- nizations and businesses working together to make it happen. We expect more than 600 youth in attendance when radio contact is made with the astronauts and this is just one of eleven separate pro- grams for youth and our communi- ties that will run throughout next year in a project called "Radio & Space Science 2016." Radio classes for youth and adults are already running and our first group of youth are preparing to test for their ama- teur radio licenses this month. The next planned program coming up is a very special community "Radio Science Day" being held this month at the Quartzsite Community Cen- ter on Wednesday, January 13th. Radio Science Day will showcase the latest amateur radio technolo- gies and techniques with more than 20 hands-on exhibits operating at eight stations both inside and out- side the community center. The first three sessions are dedicated to school students from the county but an afternoon session from 3:30 to 6:00pm is completely open to the public. So stop on by to see the exhibits and learn more about ama- teur radio, Radio & Space Science 2016, and how amateur radio can provide safety, security and com- munications for you and your fami- ly wherever you travel… without the need internet or phone lines. Also, if you are interested in Solar Energy, Amateur Radio or RVing then stop by the QuartzFest ARRL Specialty Convention running from January 17th to the 23rd near mile marker 99. Nearly 100 educational seminars are on the schedule and are always free to attend. To learn more about "Radio & Space Science 2016" or QuartzFest visit www.MyLaPaz. org or Dave Anderson - K1AN My La Paz - Songwriter, comedian Dick Bell returns Dick and June Marie Bell have per- formed the "DUMP STATION RE- VUE" RV Comedy Show all over the western US and Canada for the past 25 years. This year Dick has taken over the reins doing the show solo. He will perform his unique brand of RV humor and original songs in this "laugh a minute" program. Dick was a contracted song writer for Voice Notes Publishing in Chat- tanooga Tennessee for many years and his songs have been published and performed nationwide. The Dump Station Revue has played in RV resorts and national rallys to rave revues. The show has been highlighted in RV magazines na- tionwide and is a "must see" for anyone who has ever had those un- forgettable RV experiences. His first show of the season will be at 6pm Saturday January 16th at Arizona Oasis RV Resort in Eh- renberg. His next show will be 7pm Saturday January 23rd at JR's RV Park in Quartzsite. SPACE FROM PAGE 1 DEADLINE : WED. JAN. 13 TH for the Jan. 20 th edition Desert Messenger News Email: 928-916-4235

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