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April 4, 2012 LETTERS FROM PAGE 4 day she cannot say enough good things about our EMT's and QFD. Children of Quartzsite can always count on their participation at Town Park Events, and July 4th is guar- anteed to be both exciting and safe, thanks to the Fire Department's man- agement of our Fire-Works Display. The BULLY NO MAS Project gives credit to QFD. Last summer, when Fireman Jose Lizarrage was a Town Council Member I had the horrible experience of listening to Richard Old- ham bully Mr. Lizaragga to no end, calling him "Stupid" and every other name in the book. Six other women at that Town Coun- ercions thrust upon them, serving the Citizens of our Community continues to be their Number One Priority. In Gratitude, Hygeia Halfmoon Quartzsite Citizen cil Meeting felt disturbed, so we came together brainstorming viable solu- tions. We showed up at the next Town Council Meeting with NO BULLYING Paddles, silently raising them each time a member of the negative faction spoke with the specifi c intent to bully our Town Leaders and mislead our Citizens. It's sad and frustrating to see Mr. Lizarraga exploited by this negative faction. Hell-bent on destroying our town and reputations of the people who serve us, one day they are rip- ping Mr. Lizarraga to shreds, the next day trying to position him for political power and the day after that, deliver- ing the campaign slogan: NO WAY, JOSE! along with printing horrible lies about his family in the faction's news- paper, The Desert Freedom Press. The editor/publisher, Jennifer "Jade" Jones' primary target has been Police Chief Jeff Gilbert. One morning at Coffee With Cops,...after an onslaught of false accusations and personal at- tacks made by Ms. Jones directed at Chief Gilbert, he calmly replied, "You know, Jade, if you're in a burning car, I'm still going to pull you out because that's what I do." That's also what our Fire Department does. Regardless the reason behind the calls they receive, and despite the co- Hello Neighbors Spring has sprung; the desert is blooming and the line at the Post Of- fi ce is getting shorter- how good it is. Have you ever heard of a "Witness Tree"? As part of Arizona's Centenni- al, eleven trees were chosen, including one in Quartzsite, have been identifi ed as having witnessed Arizona's state- hood from February 12, 1912 to Febru- ary 12, 2012. Our very own ironwood tree is 1,050 years old, as determined by the La Paz County University of Arizona Exten- sion Offi ce. The tree is located along the wash behind the Justice Court at Plymouth and E. Quail Trail. For more information visit centennial. Just another on of many treasures in Quartzsite. We already knew the town was special; this confi rms it. Thank you to the businesses for pro- viding good service and to the residents for being gracious hosts once again. Bye for now. to harass me and my family from peo- ple who haven't a clue to the truth. It appears that a small group of perpe- trators are the source of this activity. The majority of the comments appear to come from people who only know what the perpetrators blabber on the Internet, trying to make themselves feel important. I you choose to believe gossip without verifying the facts, you are part of the problem. I own my words and use my real and legal name of Starr BearCat. I don't hide behind a keyboard or microphone like some cowards, the ones who use anonymous or fake names on blogs, Facebook, and Internet radio. I live in Quartzsite year-round and I in our community, keep doing what you are doing. Otherwise do some- thing different. Think for yourself and do what is best for our community and children. Before you pass on a gossip or lie, ask yourself how would you feel if it was about you and your family? Starr BearCat, Quartzsite Patricia Anderson Quartzsite Town Council Tired of lies There has been a lot of jabber going around town and on the Internet. The fi rst issue is about a fl yer that has been circulating around town about boycot- ting businesses. To make it very clear, I do not support any boycott against any business in Quartzsite. I didn't think it was a good idea when Jennifer Jones advocated it last year and I don't think it's a good thing now. It's not healthy for anyone to take this tactic; it only serves to divide our community. There have been numerous lies, fa- bles, libelous statements and attempts Don's Rocks Decorative Landscaping Hauling, Dumptruck & Backhoe Services Call Don 928-927-3080 208-255-6955 do not hide. If you want to have a civil and open minded conversation, I am open to that. If not then enjoy your de- lusionary world and keep it to yourself. If you like what has been happening Page 5 really becoming a true small town with that small town fl avor. I only hope we can keep up the good work and fi n- ish all these projects that are planned. Please take the time to enjoy the trails and benches and the simple beauty of Quartzsite. that shows that the folks care and appre- ciate what has been done. A gentleman sitting on a bench on Central Blvd. was just watching the traffi c and people. Yes, Quartzsite is great and we are Volunteer at many Places Councilmember of Quartzsite Carol Kelley Easter Egg Hunt April 7 Quartzsite- The 3rd Annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held at Quartzsite Town Park on Saturday, April 7th at 9am sharp. Beauty of Quartzsite I recently had the chance during the day to run a couple of errands here in town. I used the back streets as I love to see changes and have never liked main roads or Interstates. Driving from Moon Mountain to the Post Offi ce Annex on Plymouth, then the bank and Main Post Offi ce, I got to see some wonderful things; the small, simple things that makes our Town what it is. When the town received grants for the trails and beautifi cation around Town, a lot of people gripped because we were just planting trees. Well, let me say, I saw a lot of resi- eggs found. Parents: If you would like to donate drop off candy fi lled eggs by Friday, April 6, 5pm. If you wish to volunteer to hide eggs or for more information, call Tracey or Yesenia at 928-927-9182. There will be prizes for special Wayne‛s Pet Service Need someone to take care of your pet(s), in your home, while away? dents walking the trails, and using the benches along the way. One lady walk- ing her dog actually picked up after it, REASONABLE RATES! Call 928-927-4329 FULL SERVICE SALON See us for all your hair needs! Perms, Cuts, Colors and All Nail Services: Manicures, Acrylic, Gels and Shellac. We also do Pedicures. Come in and try our new pedicure massage chair. Tanning bed packages available! Corner of Moon Mt. & Cowell • Quartzsite • 928-927-5400 QUARTZSITE'S ONLY YEAR ROUND SALON