Phi Kappa Psi - University of Michigan

Fall 2015 Newsletter

Michigan Alpha Chapter of Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity at the University of Michigan

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The Sophon Phi Kappa Psi - Michigan Alpha House Corporation P.O. Box 131133 Ann Arbor, MI 48113 Address Service Requested Attention: This newsletter is intended for alumni and parents. If your son is currently attending the University of Michigan, he will receive a copy at the chapter house. If he has graduated, please send us his permanent address to update our records. Thank you. Alumni, Now Is the Time to Contribute! Join the Canonsburg Club Today Y ou can do so online or by sending a check with the following gift form to our P.O. Box. Your support is greatly appreciated! Please join our Canonsburg Club by signing up to donate $18.52 a month to the Great Tradition - New Vision campaign. It is easy to set up recurring monthly payments of $18.52 on our online giving page. When lots of alumni join the Canonsburg Club, these monthly donations will greatly add up for the chapter. Online Giving: Mail your gift (using form) to: Phi Kappa Psi – Michigan Alpha House Corporation P.O. Box 131133 Ann Arbor, MI 48113 Make checks payable to: Michigan Alpha House Corporation Name: ______________________________________________ Graduation Year: ________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: _____________________________________________________________ E-mail: ____________________________________________________________________ ( ) $100 ( ) $250 ( ) $500 ( ) $1,000 ( ) $2,500 ( ) Other $________ CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE Go to michiganalpha. to contribute!

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