Sigma Alpha Epsilon - Kansas State University

Fall 2015 Newsletter

Kansas Beta Chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity at Kansas State University

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page 3 sigma alpha epsilon Active Members Team Up with Hispanic American Leadership Organization K ansas Beta Chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Hispanic American Leadership Organization, HALO, sponsored a soccer event on March 28. The event helped students who were not familiar with Greek life to become connected with students from a Greek organization and vice versa. The event had a 3-on-3 soccer tournament, followed by a barbecue at the chapter house. The organizations plan to make this an annual event during the spring semester. The event was planned with help from Philanthropy Chairman Scott Meyer '17, HALO President Valeria Guizado, and HALO Vice President Arturo Sanchez '17. The event overall was a great success and brothers of SAE had a blast! A fter working 20 years for the 402 School District in Augusta, Barbara Podschun knew she was ready for a change. However, she wasn't sure where she wanted to go. She was a nutritionist for the district in the school lunch program and believed it was time to move on from the industry. A childhood friend suggested she look into being a housemother, so that's what Barbara did. She used a few of her contacts at Kansas State University and found that Sigma Alpha Epsilon was in the market for one. "I knew quite a few people in Manhattan and it seemed like the logical move," Barbara says. "SAE had called me, and then three of the guys drove to Augusta to interview me. They took me to dinner, and I knew that they were ready to make that commitment." Now after 17 years, Barbara has retired from the duties that came after that dinner. Her responsibilities included maintaining the ground floor, managing the repairs, and making costumes for parties and events. She used her nutrition background to help out with the meals. She was in charge of hiring cooks, suppliers, and would sometimes even make breakfast or lunch for the men. "That's what keeps guys happy," she says. "Good, decent, and plenty of food." Barbara misses her time at the house and the members. "I loved family weekend," she says. "Every year was different since there were always a different number of men in the house. I enjoyed going to their sports things and activities." Barbara lives in Winfield, where her son, Bill, also resides. She spends her time creating photo albums and plans to travel to many different places. She has driven through all of the continental states and has been to all 50. Her granddaughter wants to study abroad in Spain and she hopes to go visit her. You can still catch Barbara at a KSU football or basketball game. She can be reached at Phoenix Club ($1,000 and above) Bruce E. Hughes '50 Richard Mistler '62 Thomas Mistler '63 Stephen M. Lacy '76 Patrick J. Kellerman '89 Mark Lacy '89 Phi Alpha Club ($500 to $999) Chester C. Wilcox '61 Jarold W. Boettcher '63 Russell Bishop '73 Jeffrey Hughes '76 Jeffrey H. Berke '78 Purple & Gold Club ($250 to $499) Richard Myers '65 Jerry D. Prather '66 Terrance J. Garvert '77 Thomas Banta '79 Violet ($100 to $249) Richard L. Mettle '51 W. Herman Wilson '52 Joe A. Wilcox '58 David Chelesnik '61 Joseph H. Stout '67 Max I. Miller Jr. '72 Jack R. Ernst '76 Thomas Bowles '77 Brian E. Calovich '82 Mitchell S. Fiser '82 Donors (Up to $99) Gene A. Stauffer '54 Daniel E. Fankhauser '67 Joel M. Burrow '75 Paul C. DeVore '76 John R. Hatfield II '77 Steven R. Brewer '78 Thomas E. Miller '79 Eric A. Hartenstein '82 Joshua R. VanHecke '02 Thank You, Loyal Alumni, for Committing $12,650 Your suPPort is needed to reAch our $35,000 goAl W e are truly grateful to the following alumni who donated more than $12,650 so far in 2015. Your gifts help complete necessary projects and ensure our legacy lives on. Thank you! Ty Shafer '17, Seth Eckels '18, Sam Roldan '18, Eric Kley '19, Chris Graves '18, and Jacob Belfield '18 at the HALO soccer game. Housemother Barbara Podschun Retires After 17 Years

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