Sigma Alpha Epsilon - Kansas State University

Spring 2015 Newsletter

Kansas Beta Chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity at Kansas State University

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Q&A with Bob Beymer '78 Q: Why did you decide to join Sigma Alpha Epsilon? A: My father graduated from Fort Hays State and while there was a member of a fraternity. He encouraged joining a fraternity because of the leadership opportunities and camaraderie afforded by fraternities. Being from a small town in southwest Kansas, it was important to me to know that there were active members in the house from my hometown and from southwest Kansas. Q: What are some of your favorite memories as an undergraduate at Kansas Beta? A: As a pledge, beating the Betas in the pledge football game for the first time in a number of years was a definite highlight. The pledge sneak was a lot of fun and, of course, Paddy Murphy was always a hoot. I have fond memories of the house mother, Kate Fosberg. Other highlights were attending the SAE National Convention in Philadelphia and the Leadership School at the SAE National Headquarters in Evanston, Illinois. Q: What offices did you hold in the chapter as an undergraduate? A: Eminent archon, athletic director, and scholarship chairman. Q: Do you keep in touch with any of your fraternity brothers? A: I had the pleasure of hiring and working with pledge brother Mike Dykstra '78. He has worked for The Kearny County Bank in Lakin, Kansas, for the past 28 years, and we have formed a great management team for the bank. I see Bill Shaw '75, Steve Lacy '76, '77, John Hatfield '77, Charlie Chandler '75, and John Morgan '75 on game days in Manhattan. Q: Where do you work now, and what do you do specifically? A: The Kearny County Bank; chairman of board, senior vice president, CFO, CIO. Q: What are some highlights from your professional career? What do you enjoy most? A: After an 18-month stint as a bank examiner for the State of Kansas, I was hired by the Kearny County Bank in February 1980 to manage a newly purchased core accounting computer system. What a nightmare that was. However, I got through it and, since then, I've done practically every job possible in a bank from teller to chairman. The most gratifying experience is growing the bank from one location, $25 million in assets and $3 million in capital to a bank with two locations, $190 million in assets and over $31 million in capital. Q: What are some of your hobbies, and what do you do in your free time? A: My work, the bank, and my other business interests (farmland management, oil and gas production) occupy a good part of my time. But on my down time I love playing golf and still maintain a single digit handicap. Also, I enjoy accompanying my wife, Cathy, on her trips for barrel racing. Cathy and I make time a week or two a year to get out of the country for a nice trip. Bob has three daughters, Michelle, Taryn, and Caitlin, with his first wife, Diane, who passed away in 2008. Cathy has three children: Brad, Chance, and Jada. Between Cathy and Bob, they have six grandchildren. Bob can be reached at page 3 sigma alpha epsilon A t an early age, Ben Stout '95 knew he wanted to be a Kansas Beta. He grew up listening to his father, Joe Stout '67, tell stories of his Sigma Alpha Epsilon experience, and Ben was eager to have his own years at 1015 Denison. "I always loved hearing those stories and couldn't wait until I was old enough to go to Kansas State and become an SAE," Ben said. "My brother (Brady Stout '92), who is three years older, is also an SAE. Meeting the guys he would bring home really made me want to be there." Upon joining, Ben loved the excitement of game days, sharing experiences with his brothers, and growing with a group of men from different backgrounds. These friendships lasted well beyond his time on campus and, while maintaining those relationships can be challenging, Ben believes "it is a shame to let them slip away." "The number one thing I left Sigma Alpha Epsilon with is relationships," he said. "I believe to be successful in whatever you do, developing and maintaining relationships is key. There is no family, business, or meaningful experience that I am aware of that does not include quality, healthy relationships. I learned a lot about that in the house." Ben and his family reside in Manhattan, so he is able to see a number of brothers as they return to campus. He is a math teacher at Eisenhower Middle School and serves as the business manager for Washington Dance Studio, which he owns with his wife, Jennie, and her family. The couple has two daughters, Ellie (13) and Sophie (9). Ben can be reached at Ben Stout '95 Values SAE Experience SAE

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