Kansas Beta Chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity at Kansas State University
Issue link: http://www.epageflip.net/i/492139
The lion's lore page 2 Active Chapter Remains Strong Alumni Involvement Needed for Success I am pleased to report that the undergraduates are providing strong leadership and the chapter continues on the upswing. Please read the chapter update by Corbin Neimtschk '18 on page 1. For the fall 2014 semester, SAE has the largest pledge class on the KSU campus. See the list of new members for the spring 2015 semester on page 4. The men are taking the academic side of their college experience seriously as well. The house is in good physical condition and the chapter budget is in solid shape. Recruitment continues to be the lifeblood of the chapter. If you are aware of any potential new members, please contact me or Recruitment Chairman Joel Fry '17 at joelfry13@ksu.edu. As I have become more involved with Kansas Beta and the Greek system at KSU over the past few years, it is clear that the most successful fraternities on campus have the strongest alumni involvement and support. This spring, Kansas Beta will be launching a new summer internship program. This program has two very clear objectives. First is to encourage all active members to begin their networking early and to make connections with alumni who have been successful in their current areas of interest. It's never too early to properly prepare resumes and begin working on perfecting interview skills. The second objective is for selected alumni to reach out into their own networking pool and begin creating opportunities for the SAE active members to find top- tier summer internships. Each alumnus has his own circle of influence and, together, we can continue to make a difference in the lives of our undergraduates. While we have a small but active core group supporting the chapter at present, we need to expand alumni involvement at Kansas Beta. Our alumni involvement needs are in the following areas: • Recruitment • New member education • Fundraising • Summer internships for chapter members If you can help in any way with these areas, please contact me using the information below. We initiated an annual giving campaign in 2014 for the ongoing chapter needs. I was pleased with the response to our initial year—raising more than $30,000. Our new goal is to raise at least $35,000 by December 31, 2015. Please be generous in the next mailing that you will receive in mid-April. I promise you the money is carefully managed and invested in the future of Kansas Beta, which is bright. Yours in the bonds, Steve Lacy '76, '77 House Corporation President (515) 284-3895 steve.lacy@meredith.com Phoenix Club ($1,000 and above) Mistler Family Foundation Bruce E. Hughes '50 Pelham E. Adams '55 Thomas Mistler '65 Russell E. Bishop '73 Stephen M. Lacy '76, '77 C. Jerome Chandler II '78 Brian E. Calovich '82 Patrick J. Kellerman '89 Mark Lacy '89 Phi Alpha Club ($500 to $999) Jim R. Grier III '59 Lawrence Wagner '61 Chester C. Wilcox '61 Jarold W. Boettcher '63 James R. Breneman '64 Jerry D. Prather '66 Al Enlow '69 Stanley D. Bert '74 Randall Garvert '81 David M. Calovich '83 Shad P. Metcalf '96 Purple & Gold Club ($250 to $499) L. Bruce Johnson '43 Frederick C. Kramer '47 Frank C. Chrisbens '59 Robert E. Judd '67 Dixon Landers '69 T. Mark Anwander '72 Terrance J. Garvert '77 John R. Hatfield II '77 Michael A. Hattan '78 Thomas Banta '79 Paul J. Lacy '81 John Lowe '88 Violet ($100 to $249) Joan Murphy Robert M. Allingham '50 William A. Hull Jr. '51 John A. Logan '51 Vernon W. Imes '53 Charles W. Weathers Jr. '53 Peter A. Martin '54 John R. Stack '55 John P. Jung '57 M. Mal Skinner Jr. '57 Norman S. Bressler '58 Robert M. Kissick Jr. '58 Richard Long '58 Mike L. Stout '58 David Chelesnik '61 Scott Cochran '62 Richard Myers '65 Joseph H. Stout '67 George T. Miserendino '69 James Shucart II '69 Darryl W. Graves '71 Curtis L. Bock, D.V.M. '72 Frederick Sackbauer III '72 Michael Vandenberg '72 Gregory L. Hattan, D.D.S. '74 Jack R. Ernst '76 Bradford W. Estill '77 Craig N. Schultz '87 Jay E. Holthaus '94 Ryan D. Turner '98 Donors (Up to $99) Richard L. Mettle '51 Kenneth Underwood II '67 Michael E. Debold '72 Joel M. Burrow '75 Steven B. Deck '79 Thomas E. Miller '79 Randy J. Gassman '83 Jeffery Blue '85 Joshua R. VanHecke '02 thank you, LoyaL aLumni, for your support W e are truly grateful to the following alumni who donated more than $30,000 in 2014. Your donations help complete necessary projects and ensure our legacy lives on. Thank you!