Desert Messenger

March 04, 2015

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5 Arizona Peace Trail 6 Editorial 7 Letters to Editor 8 AROUND TOWN 11 OUT & ABOUT 14 Adventures w/Rocks 15 Restaurants 16 Voices from the Past 26 Traveling with Gypsy Jane 27 Music Jams 29 Golf 32 Churches 35 Arrest Report 35 In Memorium 37 Classifi eds 38 Paul Winer Comic WHAT'S INSIDE • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 Wednesday, MARCH 4 TH , 2015 VOL. 11 # 212 N�� �� ��� 11 t h YEAR! N�� �� ��� N�� �� ��� 11 Alwa y s FREE! The GRAND Gathering returns SEE GRAND PAGE 36 The Grand Gathering 2015 – The Legacy QIA's 50th Anniversary Celebration this weekend, March 6-8, 2015 Quartzsite- The GRAND Gathering takes place at the Quartzsite Improvement Association (QIA) with daily events occuring Friday, Satur- day and Sunday, March 6, 7 & 8. The Legacy – 2015 Free Brief Seminars and information to assist families in documenting important information to pass on to their fami- ly members: How to create a Family Tree; Fam- ily Lore, Health History and the "Five Wishes" – we are even providing a way to video and re- cord family lore and history. All of these seminars are designed to help family members carry on their traditions and wishes to the rest of their family generations Daily BBQ Lunch is available by the QIA from 11 am till 1pm each day. FRIDAY MARCH 6th The GRAND Gathering kicks off with a Health Fair – 8 am till 1:30 pm (Friday ONLY) Co-spon- sored by the La Paz County Regional Hospital and the La Paz County Health Department. La Paz Regional Hospital Educational Health information • Free Health Screenings to include: • Analysis of body composition with In-body 230 Machine • Blood Glucose Screenings • Cholesterol Screenings (fasting required) • Oximetry Testing • Blood Pressure checks • Bone Densities • BMI Calculations • Heimlich Vests- training • PSA Testing- ($30.00 charge) La Paz County Health: • Living Healthy Lifestyles • Nutrition/ Healthy Eating • Manage Medication use • Free Wellness programs • Sensation Services- Access to "Ash Line" - program and aids to help you quit smoking • Million Heart Campaign- Heart Attack and Stroke prevention • Educational information Home Health Care and Hospice: Alzheimer's Information • The Basics of Alzheimer's 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM • Dementia Conversations 10:30-10:45 AM I-10 chase ends with 1 suspect killed, 1 arrested ����� | D��� W������, E�������� AZ S������ �� D����� M�������� Saturday afternoon, two murder suspects, a man and woman, led Califor- nia law enforcement on a freeway chase into Arizona where a Riverside County Sheriff's deputy fatally shot the woman, offi cials in both states said. The incident began in Indio, California, when Riverside County deputies spotted homicide suspects wanted in Sonoma County in Northern Cali- fornia. The suspects were traveling eastbound on I-10 at a high rate of speed and were allegedly shooting at multiple passing motorists. SEE CHASE PAGE 30

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