Alpha Gamma Rho - Penn State University

Fall 2014 Newsletter

Gamma Chapter of Alpha Gamma Rho at Penn State University

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2 Gamma Crescent Greetings from the Noble Ruler A busy school year means exciting times for Gamma Chapter. This year 50 members are living in the chapter house- a big increase from previous years. Although it took a while for some of the newer members to adjust to the lifestyle in the house, everybody now knows the expectations that are required of them and morale has never been better. With a semester behind us, the previously inexperienced executive board has now become familiar with the roles and responsibilities we carry and are now comfortable with making decisions and strategically planning for the future. With 20 new recruits this semester and constant improvements to the chapter house, the future of Gamma looks bright. Fraternally, Bradley Nixon '12 (Γ1598) Noble Ruler (860) 878-2419 O n Sunday, October 4, we had our annual fall Gamma homecoming. We had a great turnout and we were able to discuss business that was relevant to both undergraduates and alumni. Afterward, we all shared a BBQ lunch catered for us by Happy Valley Home Cooking. I would like to thank all the alumni that attended, namely: As VNR Alumni Relations, one of my jobs is to increase undergraduate and alumni interaction. On that note I would like to invite all alumni to our house for dinner. Let us know ahead of time and we will have a plate ready for you. Also, be on the lookout for Facebook post or e-mails about alumni/undergraduate tailgates. I hope that this Crescent finds all of you well and we look forward to seeing you soon. Fraternally, David K. Eapen '13 (Γ1645) VNR Alumni Relations Boyd Wolf '50 (Γ666) Richard Dempster '51 (Γ668) Brian "Greek" Sarris '69 (Γ960) Wayne Martenas '72 (Γ1022) Alan Daum '82 (Γ1173) Jon Schroer '90 (Γ1289) Tom Olliver '91 (Γ1313) Jesse Hallowell '97 (Γ1392) Matt Keil '00 (Γ1446) Ben Baker '06 (Γ1518) CALLING ALL ALUMNI! The fall 2014 new Gamma members. Back row: Thomas Mahan, Collin Jamieson, Eli Kessler, Huey Tsang, Martin Carrasco, John Tierney, Jr., Michael Marino III, Grant Pyle, Lewis Williams, and Michael Hellman. Front row: Zachary Wilder, Ryan Moser, Matthew Schultz, David Ballinger, Zachary Mahler, Vincent Favaloro, Brandon Miller, Aaron Sosanader, Benjamin Apuzzo, and Brian Morales. ΑΓΡ UNDERGRADUATES STRENGTHEN BONDS AND FORTIFY FUTURES

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