Phi Kappa Psi - University of Texas

Fall 2014 Newsletter

Texas Alpha Chapter of Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity at the University of Texas

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S aturday, September 6, at 2501 Nueces marked the beginning of a new era of Texas Alpha at the University of Texas. The celebration was the best that I have ever experienced in my 37 years as a Phi Psi with over 500 brothers and guests in attendance, great barbecue, Bevo, and Jerry Jeff Walker performing his classics on a beautiful, early fall day. See a photo spread of the event on page 2. The vanguard of our new house campaign assembled and turned the ceremonial first dirt, followed closely by many brothers who wanted to be a part of the historical event. Any brother who wanted to participate was given a hard hat and shovel and encouraged to join. The ceremony reflected how the housing project will come to fruition—a group of brothers leading with all brothers being a part of the effort. The new house will elevate Texas Alpha into the top echelon of fraternities on the University of Texas campus. The next time you are in Austin take a few minutes to drive through the west campus area and view the Greek housing. The top fraternities have outstanding physical plants— Fiji is finishing up a huge expansion behind their old house and SAE, SigEp, KA, and Kappa Sig all have new or recently renovated properties. Then there is a dropoff to second-tier fraternities that have 50- to 60-year old facilities—we are presently in that group. The recent Kappa Sig effort is the case study of what a new house can do for a chapter at U.T. In 2008, before they began construction, the Kappa Sigs were at 90 men with a 2.9 G.P.A., a middle- of-the-road, average chapter. The construction generated interest, resulting in growth. After completion of their new house in 2011 they were at 145 men, and one year later 187 brothers. With all this growth and a new 3.3 G.P.A., they are now considered one of the top five fraternities on campus. A group of brothers years ago built our house at 2401 Longview. That house provided our undergraduates with a home away from home for over 50 years, a place where Phi Psis learned the creed, core values, manners, loyalty and other disciplines needed to be effective in a career or relationship. Those alumni knew the value in giving our younger brothers the qualities they will need to be part of the solutions in America, not the problems. Now it is our once-in-a-lifetime responsibility to do the same for the young men who follow us. To that end, a select group of brothers have outlayed the vision and initial financial support to begin this revolutionary process of building a new house for Texas Alpha. However, significant leadership will be needed in the coming months and years to complete this monumental investment in our future. As we embark on this campaign we need brothers willing to partner with our early leaders to complete the vision. We will continue to provide updates to the alumni base in the coming months on this campaign. Amici, Kelly E. Fish '77 Texas Alpha House Board President (901) 289-5492 / Fall 2014 ALPHA AVALANCHE T E X A S A L P H A THE BEGINNING OF A NEW ERA AT TEXAS ALPHA Chapter Breaks Ground on New House Texas Alpha broke ground on our new chapter house on Sept. 6. (L-R) Rhett Stone '65, David Temple '74, Bryan Muecke '75, Scott Noble '81, Fred Hull '83, David Sheehan '80, and Blake Wiley '01. Eric Keller '94 and Campaign Chairman Kelly Fish '77.

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